Where Does Our Arrogance Come From?

It Comes from Our Humanity

The ability as humans to think and plan sets us apart. The tendency is to assume we have everything all figured out. This power of choice that we’ve been given can lead to arrogance.

The further we get from God, the more arrogant we become.

In chapter seven of Isaiah, King Ahaz of Judah is freaking out that they are going to be attacked by Isreal with the help of Syria. God told Isaiah to go to King Ahaz and tell him to stop worrying. The Lord promised that this wasn’t going to happen.

He said, “But, if you don’t trust me, you will be defeated.”

King Ahaz was afraid to test God. Then Isaiah said, “Listen, every one of you in the royal family of David. You have already tried my patience. Now you are trying God’s patience by refusing to ask for proof. But the Lord will still give you proof. A virgin is pregnant; she will have a son and will name him Immanuel. Even before the boy is old enough to know how to choose between right and wrong, he will eat yogurt and honey, and the countries of the two kings you fear will be destroyed. But the Lord will make more trouble for your people and your kingdom than any of you have known since Israel broke away from Judah. He will even bring the king of Assyria to attack you.” (Isaiah 7:1-17)

We see humanity’s arrogance throughout the Bible. It started in the Garden of Eden and continues today. We are given free will and we abuse it. Then we beg for forgiveness. We do better for a little while and then…we abuse it again.

We get cocky and think we know what’s best.

Just like King Ahaz was given the opportunity to trust God, we are given this opportunity. This is why God sent His Son to earth. To pay for our mistakes. But we must choose to trust God. This makes us feel like we’re giving up control and we don’t like giving up control.

It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

It’s about making the right choice.

Just like the virgin birth of Jesus was a miracle…so is our ability to be who we are intended to be even if we choose to follow Jesus.

God can do anything…He is God. The supernatural is natural to God.

Our humanity comes from God, it’s up to us to remember this and not become arrogant, thinking we’re more than we are.

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