Knowing Who You Are and Knowing Who’s You Are






If You Have to Tell Someone Who You Are…Then You Aren’t



The famous actor Gregory Peck once was standing in line with a friend, waiting for a table in a crowded Los Angeles restaurant. They had been waiting for some time; the diners seemed to be taking their time eating, and new tables weren’t opening up very fast. They weren’t even that close to the front of the line. Peck’s friend became impatient, and he said to Gregory, “Why don’t you tell the maître d’ who you are?” Gregory Peck responded with great wisdom.

“If you have to tell them who you are, then you aren’t.”

We all have this natural built in desire to be somebody. It doesn’t matter if your and introvert or extrovert, you want to be known. It may surface in different ways, but we all want to be seen.

The problems arise when we start thinking we’re more than we really are and that we are the source of that greatness. In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus tells about a Pharisee that had fallen into this trap. He sees himself as being better than the tax collector.

It isn’t about who’s better, it’s about WHO’S we are.


  • God accepts us for who we are – there’s nothing we can do that God won’t forgive. The important thing to remember is that we must ask for that forgiveness. He knows our ungodliness and loves us anyway.


  • God never leaves us as who we are – if we believe and accept His teaching we will be transformed. He doesn’t just rescue us from Hell, He prepares us for Heaven. This transformation doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a lifelong journey.



We can get caught up in the world around us and think we know who we are, or who we want to be. Be careful that this is the same person that God has designed you to be. You get to decide who’s you’re going to be.

You don’t have to tell others who you are…how you live your life will tell them who’s you are.

How Can I Know Who I Am and What I’m Here For?






By Digging Down To the Foundation




Who am I and why am I here, are questions that we’ve all asked. Finding the answer is the tricky part, not to mention we may not like the answer once we find it.

We will never know who we are until we determine WHO’s we are.



There are a lot of lost people wandering around seeking purpose in money, a job, a relationship or some other worldly treasure. Not that any of these worldly treasures are wrong, in and of the themselves. The problem is when we build our lives on them. Making these things the most important is like building a house on a sand foundation.



Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:24-27, what happens if we build on sand. He tells us to build on the Rock. If we use Him as our foundation everything we build is solid and steady.


To use Jesus as our foundation requires us to get to know him. The more time we spend with Him the better we will know Him. Just like parents, grandparents, spouses or children, after spending large amounts of time together you recognize them by their smell, shape, voices, actions, etc. The same is true for spending time with Jesus.

The Master Architect has designed our lives, it’s up to us to read the blueprints.

This past week was youth Sunday at church and Hannah (the youth leader) gave a super message. Here’s a link to a short video titled “Who I Am”, by David Bowden that she used as part of the service.

Who are YOU and what are YOU here for?

What Does It Mean to Be Successful?

It’s Not What People Normally Think

Success, true success is anything but normal. Dave Ramsey says, “If You want to succeed, you’ve got to be weird.” It is hard to be different. Standing out and being different opens us up to criticism and ridicule. It’s much easier and safer to blend in and go with the flow. To just be normal.

God doesn’t want us to be normal. He made each of us different and unique (Psalm 139:14) and put each of us here for a specific purpose (Romans 8:28). It is up to us to search out and learn what our individual purpose is.

Discovering our true purpose is success.

Normally success is seen as fortune and fame. Even the definition of success includes, “The attainment of fame, wealth, or social status.” If we see these things as success and don’t accomplish them, we see ourselves as failures. We are only failures when we stop seeking our true purpose. So, we’ve got to hang in there.

The world’s idea of success is short sighted and selfish. It’s about what’s in it for me. God’s idea of success is different. It’s about using the skills and abilities I’ve been given to help others. Specifically, in my case, to help others build their dreams.

So, how do we figure out what our purpose is? First, ask that very question. What is my purpose? And then we ask it again and again… Asking the question is the first step to success. The question is more important than the answer. Asking this question is necessary to start. Then we can dig deeper with more questions. If we don’t ask questions we will stay stuck in the mundane routine of doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.

These questions start with the most common question asked by kids…WHY.

Why am I here?

Somewhere along the way, in an effort to be normal, we quit asking why. As children we are naturally curious. If we want to be successful, we need to get back to that childlike curiosity.

The why question is where we dig down deep to find the solid foundation that our success will be built on.

After asking why, comes what, how, when, who, where. Asking these questions is hard. Almost as hard as reading the 5Ws out of their normal order. But then we are trying to be successful, not normal. The order I have them in is more appropriate when it has to do with success. The most important thing is to be intentional about asking questions in whatever order works. Asking questions opens our mind up to new ideas.

The answers to these questions won’t magically appear once they’ve been asked. Being successful and finding our purpose is not an end unto itself. Both are a process of seeking answers and should continue as long as we’re alive. There is not some point in life when we arrive at our final destination (like retirement). Success is the process of seeking our purpose and as long as we’re breathing, we should be asking questions.