It’s Time to Do the ONE THING that is the Most Important
Doing the “One Thing” sounds great, but how do we do it?
This would be so much easier if somebody else would just tell us what to do. Not to mention, it would give us someone to blame if it was the wrong thing. The problem with letting someone else tells you what you should do is that it will be more about fulfilling their dreams…not yours.
We make determining the “One Thing” more difficult than it needs to be.

Making things more difficult is something I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember. What if I do the wrong thing, was a question that I asked a lot. This would keep me from doing anything.
We need to do something…even if it’s not the perfect thing.
I will explain this with something I heard Dave Ramsey say referring to the Debt Snowball process. People often are scared about making paying small payments to debtors, but may be necessary to get out of debt. To put it in perspective he said, “What’s the worst thing that can happen…because they can’t kill you.” (This is assuming you don’t owe money to the mob)
The same thing is true for making a wrong decision when trying to determine what to do first.
Doing something is better than doing nothing!

I’ve referred to the book, The One Thing, over the past several weeks as I’ve been implementing its suggestions into my life plan. The main point of this book is that you can only do one thing at a time. So, it becomes imperative that you get clear on what’s most important for you to accomplish and take actions that will move you toward that.
I’ve determined that my one thing is –
Build God’s Kingdom by helping people find solutions for building their dreams through better business systems, quality construction projects and life lessons.
I do this by having core values that align with this purpose. Next, I need to make sure that the different areas of my life and my big someday dreams support it. Lastly, I need to decide…
Which one of the millions of bricks that it’s going to take to build this Kingdom I’m going to lay now?
Last week I shared my big long-term dreams and told you that this week we would go deeper.
To do this let’s take one of my big someday dreams and use it as an example.
Big someday dream (6-year goal – 2027) –
- Remodel and renovate our existing home that was built my Great grandfather in 1916 and has been our family through three generations. This project will consist of a two-story addition with a basement added to the existing home and remodeling the existing home to the level of new, giving us more space to live and entertain while honoring and building a family legacy.
One year goal (end of 2022) –
- Have preliminary floor plan and design agreed upon including rough sketched drawings and preliminary budget
Monthly goal (end of February) –
- Have two preliminary lists of things to be included in the project, one from me and one from Debby
Weekly goal (by Sat. 2/5/22) –
- Have lists started
Daily goal (1/29/22) –
- Explain to Debby what is needed from her list and give her a deadline
- Start my list
Right now –
- Make a note on my to do list so that I don’t forget
Now go through this process for all your big someday dreams. In my case this is seventeen dreams. Some of the dreams will be a higher priority as they relate to your “one thing” or your present situation.
Once all my dreams have gone through this process, I can look at the RIGHT NOWs for each one and decide which is the highest priority RIGHT NOW and do that thing RIGHT NOW.
After that thing is done, I do the next most important one…always determined by what is most important RIGHT NOW to accomplish my ONE THING.
None of your dreams will ever be fulfilled if you don’t make a DECISION and take ACTION.