How to Live A Well-Balanced Life

Finding and Maintaining the Balance in Everything


I initially wrote about Using Core Values as My Life Filter last year. The focus of that post was the importance these CORE VALUES have in providing me with insight to who I am and more importantly, who I aspire to be. In that post I listed these twelve core values and said I would write about each in later posts.

Currently have written about:

Honoring God in all that I do
Paying attention to detail
Spending time wisely
Never being satisfied with mediocrity
Taking off the blinders and being more aware
Intentional action and again


I listened to a Story Brand podcast recently in which Tim Arnold’s point was that tension was a better description of this value than balance. He points out that “we tend to be binary thinkers. We assume things have to be one way or the other”. This was his point about the term balance when used in this context. Often the word balance creates the picture of an instrument with two sides used for weighing.

Sometimes there are only two choices. When choosing between right and wrong or good and evil, I believe this is the case. I agree with Tim that too often we tend to stop our thinking at only two choices and miss all of the out of the box opportunities that are out there.

I see balance as something that involves a lot more than two things.

The Merriam-Webster definition of balance is extensive and covers a variety of different areas including people, weight, stability, accounting, mental and emotional. This is more the way I think of balance.

I see BALANCE as large platform sitting centered on top of a small point. Without anything on the platform, it sits level. When one thing is placed on top of the platform near the center, things go pretty well, and it stays relatively level. As more things are put on the platform and things begin to be crowded from the center it starts to get heavier at different areas. This causes the platform to lean. If one heavy thing or too many things are moved too far from the center the platform will tip far enough that things falls off. Keeping things setting on the platform is all about weight and location.

Our lives are like this platform. God has set our platform balance perfectly on this point and given us the responsibility of keeping it there. The difficult part of this obligation is the number of things we get to choose from to put on our platform. The choices are endless. There is spiritual, family, work, friends, fun, community, etc. and each of these areas are full of an endless number of specific things that we can put on our platform. Some things carry more weight than others. As we go through life the things we have setting on our platform will and should change.

FINDING AND MAINTAINING THE BALANCE of our platform is the responsibility given us. Will we be perfect at it…no. Can we learn and get better at it…YES!

Whether you use the word balance, tension or something else to describe this endeavor is less important than being aware of it and actively keeping your platform as level as you can.

Using Core Values as My Life Filter

The Core Is What Holds All of the Good Stuff Together

I have been studying and researching for the past several years on how to be the best ME. To become who God intends ME to be. As a part of this quest, I have been working on designing and living a life plan. This life plan is changing, improving and getting better each year. I will continue to improve on it for the rest of my life. My life plan helps give me clarity and direction on how I should live my life.

As a part of my life plan I have what I call my life filter. This filter consists of my priorities (God, spouse, kids, etc.) and my twelve core values. This is what I use to determine which things I should and shouldn’t do. Not everyone’s core values will be the same. It is up to you to decide what yours are.

Core values are fundamental beliefs. They are your guiding principles. The definition of CORE is – the central or most important part of something. This is the most inner part of who you are. This is like your conscience. The deep down, on the inside, who God made you to be. VALUES are – the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something; a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life. This is the part that you choose. How you want to be, how you will treat others, etc. This doesn’t mean they have to be good. Some people’s values may be selfish or greedy, but regardless, we choose what values we will live by.

My core values are a collection of things that I’m naturally good at and some things…not so much. Things that I’m constantly working to get better at. They’re all things that are in alignment with what I believe God wants from me and for me.

My Core Values, other than  the first one, are in no significant order. Some you may recognize as quotes or common sayings. Others are things that I have modified in some way that is meaningful to me and some I conceived on my own. All of them are values I hold high and am striving to live out daily. Here they are:

  1. Honor God in all that I do
  2. Pay attention to detail
  3. Spend time wisely, there is a limited amount
  4. Never be satisfied with mediocrity
  5. Find and maintain the balance in everything
  6. Move the mountain one shovel full at a time
  7. Remember that I have two ears and one mouth
  8. Avoid drama
  9. Be accountable
  10. Take off the blinders, be more observant
  11. Make all I can, Save all I can, Give all I can
  12. Intentional action

In future blogs I plan to break down each of these core values and give you more insight into what they mean to me and how I try to live them daily. Let me know if any of these resonate with you or what some of yours are.