We Are The Ones Who Can and Will Do What Needs Done

In the Christmas season we see the words love, joy and peace a lot. This doesn’t mean that these are the only feelings we experience during the Holidays. I do think we see these types of actions now more than other times of the year. This brings up the question why. Why do people seem to be nicer around Christmas?

I think that the Christmas season brings the Christian ideals to the forefront due to the fact that we’re celebrating Christ’s birthday. This makes us more aware of Christ and what He has asked of us. In Philippians 4:4-7, we are told to “…be filled with joy.” It doesn’t say to just be filled with joy the few weeks of the year when celebrate Christ’s birthday. It says be filled with joy. How can we be filled with joy?

What about peace? Merriam-Webster says that peace is 1. a state of tranquility 2. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions 3. Harmony in personal relationships. These all sound like great things. Why is it that we struggle to find peace, especially during the hectic chaos of the holiday season? Maybe it’s because everyone has different ideas, thoughts and goals. This can make peace difficult to accomplish. Pastor Lee told a story of a Nigerian woman whose Nigerian name means “the child who takes anger away”. When asked how she got this name she told about her grandparents on both sides of her family disapproving of her mother and father getting married. After they went ahead and were married the families quit speaking. After she was born the grandparents decided to get past their disagreements. It’s amazing the power of peace that a baby can have. There was a baby who’s birthday we’re now celebrating that this name would be a fitting for.

We have the choice to be filled with love, joy and peace through out the whole year, not just at Christmas, it’s up to us. We have to decide to and then do it. We can choose how we are going to live and act. Are we going to harbor anger and turmoil or are we going to choose joy and peace?

Another story in the Pastor’s sermon was about a military plane crash. It was a awful sight with body parts scatter around. The military personnel were cleaning up the mess when local civilians came and helped. This wasn’t their responsibility or a requirement. Never the less they were helping. Later that night a mortuary lieutenant was struggling with all that he had seen that day. He went and spoke with the Chaplin. While they were talking the young lieutenant said about the civilians, “They Are the Only Persons Who Would, or Perhaps Could, Do What We Had to Do Today”. This made a huge impact on the young man’s life.

These civilians would or could do what they did. The same thing is true of us when we are struggling with feelings opposed to love, joy and peace. We can choose love, joy and peace.

I hope you have a love, joy and peace filled Christmas.

Christmas Movies and a Life Plan

The Similarities of Fiction and Reality


I love Christmas time and especially Christmas movies. There are the classics of course; Miracle on 34th St., White Christmas, A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, etc. There are a bunch of TV Christmas movies that are really good as well. Then there are some great shorter animated Christmas shows; Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, etc. My wife and I are big movie fans anyway and at Christmas time we try to watch as many Christmas movies as we can.

While watching one of these movies recently I was aware once again of how most all of them are the same basic story repeated. Yet I watch them over and over. I know in the beginning how things are going to go. There is going to be those people that are or want to be in a relationship of some kind; friend, family or romantic. Then you have the trouble that happens. It might be a series of calamities or events that cause problems. Maybe there’s a person who is a selfish trouble maker or just isn’t the right fit. Then after the struggle everything works out and there you have it…a happy ending.

One of my personal favorite Christmas movies is the Polar Express. It has such a great story. If you aren’t familiar with it, it is about a young boy who is beginning to doubt the reality of Santa Clause. He’s woke up by a loud noise in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve and finds a train parked in front of his house. It’s the Polar Express. He boards the train and it takes him along with other kids to the North Pole to meet Santa. Along the way there are a bunch of obstacles to overcome. Through his diligence and the help of others he makes the trip successfully. After this journey he is reassured and believes.

I have come to the conclusion that there are a great many similarities between these Christmas shows and life as a Christian. Life is full of difficulties and situations that may or may not be direct results of things that we have done. Either way we have to deal with the situations that we find ourselves in. It is great to have the support of family and friends when going through difficulties. This is not always the case. Some people aren’t as fortunate in this area. Regardless Christ is a friend that we all can count on. Christmas is after all the celebration of He’s birth. Just like in these movies, as a Christian, my story will have a happy ending and I believe that yours can too. It does however, require that you believe.

If you haven’t seen it yet you should watch the Polar Express, live your live and get your ticket to ride and BELIEVE!