Get Out of the Way and Watch These Dry Bones Come to Life

God Can Breathe Life into Even the Worst of Situations

In just a moment, things changed. This is life. Every minute of every day things are changing. It has always been this way and always will be. The important thing is to be aware of it and be willing and able to adapt.

You can set the GPS to give you directions from point A to B. Pick an option it gives you and start your journey. What it won’t do is tell you every possible roadblock or flat tire you will encounter.

When you find yourself stranded with a flat tire…you can pound the steering wheel and complain. You can just sit in your car and wait for the tire to magically change itself. Or, you can get out of the car and do something about it.

How you handle flat tires is crucial to your outcome.

If we are constantly looking at our problems, we will never move beyond them. In the Book of Ezekiel, Israel is feeling depressed and hopeless in their situation. (Not unlike what we’re currently experiencing.) In Chapter 37:1-14 Ezekiel finds himself standing in a valley surrounded by human bones. God asks Ezekiel if the bones can live? Ezekiel answers, “God, only You know.”

God tells Ezekiel, “Say to the bones…you will come to life.” The bones came together, muscles, flesh and skin covered them. God says to Ezekiel, “Say to the wind…breathe on these people…” and breath came into them and they came to life.

God’s Spirt inside of us gives us life and hope.

We choose how we will act and react to situations we find ourselves in. No matter how bad things seem, what we read, what the news is saying, what politicians are saying, in every situation God has our back.

God’s got this. He can even bring dry bones to life.

Things Have a Way of Changing Quickly

In Times of Change it is Important to Keep Your Focus

If you had told someone a few weeks ago that there wouldn’t be any toilet paper in the stores…schools would be closed…all sporting events would be canceled…people would be staying at home…they wouldn’t have believed you. We definitely are experiencing some change.

This change has happened quickly, but that’s nothing new.

When Jesus came into Jerusalem on Psalm Sunday, He was viewed by many as a hero that was going to lead the people to a new kingdom. Then in a matter of a few days, He was dead. Things changed quickly from celebration to sorrow. Then in a few more days there was another change. He was raised from death to life.

There are positive changes coming in our future.

Some people didn’t like Jesus’ message. Some people don’t like our message. Just like Jesus, not everyone is going to understand or like our message. It can be hard to continue sharing our message when it feels like no one is listening. We need to focus on the message we’ve been given and never stop sharing it.

Jesus was a small country boy who started speaking to a small following. He kept sharing His message He never quit or gave up. He shared it with a few people who then shared it with a few people who shared with a few more. Look at how many people have heard it now. Proof that networking can work to build a community of followers.

The right message shared with the right people at the right time will have a major impact.

It’s not our job to know who the right people are or when the right time is. Our job is to focus on the message. To share, share again and share some more.