How Busy is Too Busy

Having Too Much To Do Is “Self-Inflicted”

The past couple of weeks have been really busy and it’s no one’s fault but mine. This last week was especially so. To the point that I didn’t have enough time to write this week’s solution.  

So, I decided to use a previous post about this very topic. Here’s the post from June 15, 2018:

I have too much to do and not enough time to do it.  

We have all heard someone say this (or said it ourselves) and we have all, for sure, felt it. Just over the last few days there have been numerous times, in a variety of situations, that I have heard it.  

One of the discussions about this was with someone who was self-employed. This person’s family couldn’t understand why they couldn’t do some additional things around the house. They had extra time because, after all, they were self-employed.  

Another conversation was with a business owner. He said he hoped he wouldn’t need to work on the upcoming Father’s Day, because he’d already worked the last fourteen days. Then he said, “But if that’s what it takes, I guess I will.” 

This struggle is nothing new. I would venture to say this has been a problem since Adam. Can you imagine how overwhelmed he felt when God brought all the animals of the earth to him to be named? (Genesis 2:19-20)  

I know this busy life is SELF-INFLICTED. It’s 8:30 PM on a Friday evening as I’m writing this. It will still be another hour or two before I get this finished and posted. 


We all know that there is a fixed amount of time, so why is it that we’re always over-filling it? Even less ambitious and less driven people complain about not having enough time to do everything they want to. 

This brawl we’re in, trying to do more and more and running out of time is internal. It is SELF-INFLICTED. If this is the case, then we’re the only ones that can do anything about it. 

The first thing that we must do is understand who’s responsible for this situation. Next, we decide if we want things to change. If so, then we need to evaluate the things that are filling up our time and decide what to keep and what to eliminate.  

Learning to SAY NO is hard. It’s gonna hurt. 

There is something about self-driven people. They’re always over filling their time with more than they can get done. If we don’t want this battle to continue, then we have to start practicing self-control, self-restraint and self-discipline. 

We have the power within our SELF to take control of this.  

Here’s an acronym to help you remember that if the problem is SELF-INFLICTED you can find the Solution, be Empowered and Live Fully without being overwhelmed. 





So, here it is, almost seven years after writing this post and I’m still busy. Part of what I’ve discovered since then is that I have control over what I do and when I do it. Just like reusing this previous post is giving me the time to do other things that need done.  

Everyone has the power of choice. This is what determines when busy is too busy for you. 

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