Core Values Are the Building Blocks of That Foundation

We’re currently working on designing a process for grading or scoring our production teams. We’ve been considering this for years.
One of the parameters that we’re looking to base this system on is our companies core values. As we were discussing those core values, I realized that I hadn’t finished sharing our core values with you. (I got busy fighting hot fires.)
Important things become less urgent when we get sidetracked fighting a hotter fire.

In January of 2017 I wrote about using core values as a life filter. In that post I defined what core values are and shared ours. Core values are a combination of things you are good at and come naturally. They also consist of things that you aren’t so good at but deep down you know you should be.
CORE is – the central or most important part of something. This is the most inner part of who you are. This is like your conscience. The deep down, on the inside, who God made you to be.

VALUES are – the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something; a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life. This is the part that you choose. How you want to be, how you will treat others, etc. This doesn’t mean they have to be good. Some people’s values may be selfish or greedy.
You can choose what values you will live by.
Here are the foundation blocks that I am building my life and business on.
1 – Honor God in all that I do
3 – Spend time wisely, there is a limited amount
4 – Never be satisfied with mediocrity
5 – Find and maintain the balance in everything
6 – Move the mountain one shovel full at a time (Sharing the shovels)
7 – Remember that I have two ears and one mouth
8 – Take off the blinders, be more observant
9 – Intentional action (the importance of intentionality)
10 – Avoid drama
11 – Be accountable
12 – Make all I can, Save all I can, Give all I can

Like building a building…you can choose the foundation your life is built on.
Like I said earlier I neglected to finish sharing our core values with you so…I’m holding myself accountable (#11) and going to share the last three over the next few weeks.