Window Shopping…Really I Mean Shopping For Windows – Part 2

More Things to Consider When Buying Windows


If you are an information junkie and want all of the info you can get before making a decision about windows, then reading this series of blogs is for you. I think it is vital to learn as much as you can when a decision is as important and expensive as windows are.

My previous blog in this series, Window Shopping…Really I Mean Shopping For Windows – Part 1. I shared about the pros and cons of the different materials used in making windows. I also said the first thing to determine was the why behind window choices and how important this is. Help with determining the why can be found in How Do You Feel About Windows?


The next thing to consider is CONSTRUCTION – There are a lot of differences in how windows operate. You should give some thought to these differences to make sure that the windows match the style of the building. One thing to be aware of when considering the different construction styles is the screen. The screens can or will be only on the portion of the window where the sashes operate. They will be on the inside, if the windows hinge out (casement and awning) and on the outside if the windows slide (double hung, single hung and side sliding). The screen material can be steel, aluminum or fiberglass. These are all things to consider.

            Double Hung – These windows have two sashes and both slide up and down. These windows are probably the most common style due to the longevity and durability. This is in part because they having very few mechanical parts.double-hung-windows

            Single Hung – The same as double hung except that only one sash opens, normally the bottom one.

            Sliding – Side sliding windows work the same as either double or single hung windows except they slide sideways.

Casement – These windows crank open and are hinged from one side. Because of this, they have more mechanical parts. They typically seal better due to the fact that they swing and when the wind blows against them they are pushed tighter against the weather seal.casement-windows

            Awning – Operate similar to the casement windows, but open from the bottom and are hinged on the top. They have the same benefits and concerns of the casements as well.

            Fixed – A fixed window is just that, it doesn’t open. These are commonly used for picture, center bay or areas where large pieces of glass are wanted. Fixed windows will have the most shape flexibly of any.

I hope you find this ‘Window Shopping’ information helpful. The third and final post in this series which is about design will be out in a few weeks so be looking for it.

If you need any additional window information or have other construction project questions, please let me know in the comments.

The 4 W’s of Budgeting

The Place to Start When Considering a Budget


Recently I have been asked multiple times about how I do my business budgeting. This question has come up multiple times over the last several years. Based on the number of times, it must need some discussion.

Budgeting has rarely been a very popular subject. Most people view it as restrictive, confusing or just too much work. It’s even more complicated when you’re self-employed and don’t have a constant or regular income. Before you can budget effectively you need to answer some questions.

The first question to answer is WHY do you want to bother with a budget? This could be because it’s just one of the things that the business world talks about, so it must be the right thing to do. It could be because you are tired of not knowing where your money is going. It might be that you feel out of control. Whatever the reason, this needs to be the first question to answer, because it will affect how you answer the remaining questions.

The next question is WHAT difference is a budget going to make? Before budgeting I would deposit a check and Debby would pay bills. Later I would be surprised when there was less in the account than I expected. After writing the numbers down and doing the math I could see exactly where the money had gone. Before it was written down it would be abstract and estimated. It was amazing how much difference it made seeing it written down. If your happy with your current money situation and can account for where it all goes, then you don’t need to bother with a budget.

6736189489_451af024b0_oIf you don’t like where you currently are then it’s time to sharpen your pencil and get ready to answer the next questions. WHERE do you want to be? This will be different for everybody, but it needs to be answered. Do you want to have money put back for your retirement? Do you want to be out of debt so that you aren’t feeling the pressure that comes with owing money to someone? Maybe you are just tired of your life being out of control and living paycheck to paycheck. Whatever the answer to this question, once you’ve answered it, you then have a destination. If you don’t have a map how will you ever be able to get there?

Next is WHEN will I get there? Once you have determined why it makes a difference and where you want to go, it’s time to figure out how long it’s going to take. This comes down to doing some simple math. Depending on what your end target is, it may seem overwhelming. The thing to remember is that if you don’t start you sure won’t get there. This is why some way of tracking progress is helpful. It can give the process a sense of reality rather than just being a fantasy. Dave Ramsey refers to Aesop’s Fable, the “Tortoise and the Hare” in his Financial Peace University course. We live in a high speed want it now world. We need to remember that slow and steady wins the race and not be discouraged if in the beginning it looks overwhelming.

After years of working through these issues I have come up with a system that works for me. It is an accumulation of different thoughts, ideas and plans from a variety of different people and places. In a future post I will break down and share HOW I budget and track my finances. So until then, answer the questions above so you will be ready to move forward and get control of your money and your life.

Trick or Treat…Is Halloween a Holiday or a Life Experience?


Halloween is a holiday that many people either really like or really don’t. For some it is an adrenaline filled experience of haunted houses and heart pounding excitement. For others it’s pull the blankets up over the head and hide until it’s over. Then there’s the whole fantasy filled dress up and pretend to be someone else for a little while. Oh and don’t forget all of the sweet, fun treats that can be had by going up to a door, knocking and asking.

As Halloween approaches it occurs to me that there are a lot of similarities between this holiday and everyday life, especially for those of us who are self-employed.

coxkoachpicture2Just like going into a haunted house, we know there are going to be things that are going to jump out and scare us. It makes our heart pound and our palms sweaty. Then it comes down to the decision of going ahead or not. Just like life choices that we consider, like starting a new business, entering into a relationship or which college to go to. These things can be scary, but think of the exciting possibilities.

We could however just cover up our heads and close our eyes to the world around us. Sure life can234215709_84d878750b_o be scary, but really, is that blanket going to protect us if something is really out there? There is so much life to be experienced if we are just willing to uncover our head and join in. This doesn’t mean that bad things can’t happen. I just think rather than hiding by ourselves in the corner, it’s better to get out there and live.

Dressing up in a costume and pretending to be someone or something else can be fun too. It is an opportunity to step out of reality for a little while, to get out of the daily grind of everyday responsibilities. It is okay to role play, to step out of your comfort zone or to expand your boundaries. You just want to be careful to be honest and true to who you really are. It can get really hot in that costume if you leave it on too long.

8143286420_a708665b1f_oThat brings us to the treats part, my favorite part (I do have a bit of a sweet tooth). How cool is it that all you have to do, to get candy and other goodies is to just go up to someone’s door, ring the bell and they will give them to you? This is how most people are… they are willing to share some of what they have with you. If we need some help, we just have to ask. Sure there are going to be some whose porch lights are off, but way more are on than off. In Matthew 7:7 in the Bible it says “Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” God’s porch light is always on and He has some great treats.

Life is a little like Halloween, but don’t be so afraid that you miss out on the exciting fun.

Window Shopping…Really I Mean Shopping For Windows – Part 1

Things to Consider When Buying Windows


Whether you are shopping for new construction or replacement windows, the first thing you should know is, not all windows are created equal. The same is true for installation. As the saying goes, ‘you get what you pay for’. When picking windows this is as true as any other time. It doesn’t mean that if you spend a lot of money that you will get the best deal. It is however a good idea to do some research and know what you’re getting – for what you’re spending.

The first thing that you need to do is to determine why. Are you building something new or adding a room? If you’re not building then why do you want/need to replace or add windows to your existing structure? If you will give this some thought, it will help you to make the best decision. Once you have answered the why question it will help you going forward. For help answering this question read my blog about how windows make you feel.

Once you have determined why then you can shift your focus to the what and how. There are three main areas of research to be able answer these questions, material, construction and design. In this post I will review the material question. I will address the construction and design elements in two later blogs.

MATERIALS – The biggest difference in windows are the frames. There really isn’t much difference in glass manufacturing. The glass choices are mostly what types of insulating gas or sun blocking coatings you would prefer. Some windows also offer a third pane option. The frame material is the important thing to consider. There are a several options, with wood and vinyl currently being the two most common. There is also aluminum, steel and fiberglass reinforced composites and who knows what may be next.

411530104_6f5d483b36_oWood Benefits – Stability is the biggest benefit to wood framed windows. The wood frames expand and contract less with changing temperatures. This means the seals where the glass and the frame are connected are more likely to last longer.

Strength is another benefit of wood. Wood is not likely to be structurally damaged by hail or flying debris. If hit it may be dented, but it is unusual for that to cause failure of seals or to decrease the integrity of the window.

Wood Concerns – The most common concern of wood is the cost. Wood windows, especially good quality windows, generally cost more than the other materials.

Rot is also a concern of wood. It is less of an issue now than it used to be. Most wood framed windows now have an external aluminum, or some type of cladding that protect them from the weather. If an unclad window is used it will need to be painted and then be regularly repainted for the life of the window. Most wood windows now are being treated to help prevent water damage.

V5456092177_4ea777747b_oinyl Benefits – One good thing about vinyl is that it doesn’t rot or deteriorate from exposure to moisture.

Vinyl windows are a less expensive way to get new windows. There is a wide price range of vinyl windows and this is due to various construction practices; i.e. thickness of the vinyl, welded or molded corners, how the vinyl is extruded and/or frame construction. This is an area where manufacturer research would be good.

Vinyl Concerns – One concern of vinyl window frames is the possibility of damage from hail and mower thrown rocks. I have on several occasions replaced vinyl windows due to frames broken by hail. The fact that the vinyl frames were broke and the glass wasn’t is something to consider when deciding. The longer the vinyl is exposed to sun and weather the more brittle it gets.

Vinyl expands and contracts considerably with changes in temperatures. This is also something that you should factor in to your decision.

Fiberglass Benefits – One of the newer window frame options is fiberglass. It is a product is a mix of the benefits of both wood and vinyl. It is stronger than vinyl and expands and contracts less. On the other hand, it won’t rot like wood.

Fiberglass concerns – The main concern with vinyl is price. It will be more comparable to wood in this area.


As you can see there is a lot to consider when it comes to deciding what you want when you buy windows and we only covered a portion of it here.

I hope that this gives you some insight and direction when shopping for windows, be sure to come back and learn about construction and design in the next few weeks.

Education vs. Regulation

How Learning Can Benefit Both You and Your Customer


Recently I was working on a small ceiling repair project. It was one of those simple projects that turned a bit more complicated. Due to city building codes and the lead based paint regulations this small $1600.00 project was going to end up doubling in price.12236333666_3c5a6a5cd9_o

The project consisted of removing the balance of some water damaged plaster and lath, approximately 108 square feet. Lead based paint regulations require the removal and cleanup be done by a certified lead abatement contractor if the work exceeds 100 square feet. This isn’t about lead based paint regulations. That’s a topic for another day. The issue that I want to discuss is what this requirement caused. Due to the lead paint abatement, a building permit was needed. No problem. I pulled the permit, the demo was done by a certified lead paint abatement contractor. New sheetrock was installed, finished and painted. A new ceiling light fixture was hung. Everything was looking great and I called the inspector to come do the final inspection. This is where things get a little bumpy. The inspector asked about smoke alarms in the upstairs bedrooms. We check and find that there aren’t any. By code in this jurisdiction if a building permit is pulled for a remodel and there aren’t interconnected smoke alarms, they have to be installed. This meant we had to install a smoke alarm in each bedroom and a smoke and carbon monoxide alarm on each level. All of these alarms need to be hardwired together. Don’t get me wrong, this is a great idea. If they’re asleep in the upstairs bedroom and there is a fire in the basement, then all of the alarms will go off. The problem is…this is an old two story home with a basement. Have you ever tried to get electrical wire from one level to the next in an old house? If not, trust me it isn’t easy. All of this because we were a few square feet more than the minimum. Regulations can be a real problem and in this case expensive.

For a long time, I thought that licensing of contractors was just another way for the government to make more money, not to mention an additional cost that I had to pass on to my customer. More rules and regulations that allow some bureaucrat to stick their nose in someone else’s business. Like they really know what’s best for every customer. Regulating continues to expand and I don’t expect it to get any less any time soon. The problem is that not all contractors approach things the way that I do. There are a lot of “contractors” out there that don’t care about the customer or are just unaware and/or untrained. These are the guys that have made it necessary to have some level of protection for the customer. It would have been easy enough for me to have divided this project in to two separate projects and these rules wouldn’t have applied. This isn’t how I do things.

Okay now for the real point of this rant…I mean blog post.

I’m all for the protection of life and property. The question is, how is this best achieved? I think that education is as important as rules and regulations, maybe even more so. If both contractors and customers are better educated it could help decrease the need for regulations. Education allows for the understanding of the reasons. Just like the project above, understanding the benefits of the connected smoke alarms makes sense. It should be up to the customer if they think it is worth the cost.

One problem with regulations is that there are so many that it is difficult to keep up with them all, especially for those people not involved with it regularly. Not every situation can be regulated. I think when we over regulate in an effort to protect we make it so people no longer need to think for themselves, because someone else will.

Back to the interconnected smoke alarms of the project above. With some research by an electrician and working with the inspector we were able to find some 12-year battery powered alarms that are interconnected with a radio frequency rather than hardwired. This not only met the regulations, but also met the intent. It gave the customer the protection needed and kept the additional cost to the customer from getting out of hand.

By working together, the customer, electrician, inspector and myself came to a reasonable working solution. Not all builders would have put forth the effort to meet the required regulations while looking out for the customer.

Another class in the ‘school of hard knocks’ completed with a passing grade.

Flexibly Rigid




The Importance of an Action Plan with Some Margin



I am an organizer and planner by nature. I like having a clear direction. A system in place to expedite those wonderfully crafted plans. But you know what happens…’life happens’. Once you’ve begun executing those plans, something that you hadn’t included in that masterfully 12140602074_d97538a8fe_odesigned, already fully packed day comes along and just messes up the whole thing.

There are so many things that I want to get done. I struggle through the process of what to do first, what’s most important today, which thing should be at the top of the list.

Just because I’m a planner doesn’t mean that I can’t be flexible, because I can, sometimes maybe too much. It has always been pretty easy for me to make adjustments when something unexpected happens. The problem with this is, getting derailed by distractions makes it hard to stay on task. Then of course that plan, that wonderfully crafted plan, is all messed up. For years I have worked to be better at balancing the plan and flexibility.

You may be on the other side of this coin and have the gift of doing. The ability to make a decision and move on it. You find it frustrating when the unexpected happens and you struggle to deal with it.

The important thing is to understand yourself. What character, personality and gifts you have so you can be prepared in your own way to handle the unexpected.

drain stopper too smal

Recently I had a day that provides a good example of this. I had scheduled to finish the punch list of one project so that I could move the tool trailer from this project to the next. This next project involved another contractor so the plan was also coordinated with his schedule. Before I even got started doing any work, while backing up to hook up the trailer, I noticed a brake hose on my truck leaking. Of course this was a Friday so my mechanic wouldn’t be available to work on it tomorrow. I called him and he said that if I could get it to him now he could fix it today. So I consider my options…get the truck to the mechanic and not move the trailer or borrow a truck and go ahead with the punch list and move the trailer. I decided to take the truck to get fixed. As it worked out I had already scheduled the truck to go to the mechanic on Monday to have some other things done, so while the truck was at the mechanics he went ahead and did the work that was scheduled for Monday. This allowed me to do the work Monday that I had planned for Friday.


I think that there is a Master Planner at work and it is important for our plans to fit with His; to determine what our priorities are before that scheduling fiasco happens; to figure out who we are and what we want, so we are ready when the unexpected happens. This doesn’t mean that everything will go perfectly, but as we search for clarity and work through each schedule disruption we will get a little closer to being who we were designed to be.

How Do You Feel About Windows?

Considerations When Choosing Windows


Windows play a big part of how we feel about buildings. They serve a variety of purposes. Determining what needs and/or wants you are looking to satisfy, will affect your decisions about windows.

Window purposes to consider:

            Letting in light – Without windows it is dark inside. Even with artificial electric light, the absence of natural light can be dark and 9477331897_d9266bbf18_odepressing. Even when it’s cloudy outside the natural light will brighten and energizes us. We aren’t intended to be cave dwellers. We need natural light both physically and emotionally.

            Letting in fresh air – Just like the light we need fresh air. In an effort to be more efficient with resources we have continued to make buildings more air tight. It is important to control this as much as we can. However, the tighter we make buildings the more stagnant the air inside becomes. If we can open some windows and let the air circulate when the weather allows…it’s like a ‘breath of fresh air’.

            Keeping out bad weather – Not only are windows used to let things in (light and fresh air) they should also keep things out. This includes hot, cold, rain and pests. To achieve this, they need to be able to be opened and closed easily, have good seals, good glass and functional screens.

            Architectural beauty – Windows can add a lot to the appearance of a building. Both from the inside and from the outside. There is a large variety of sizes, shapes, materials and designs to choose from. Location and configuration also has an impact on how the building looks.27769616255_ab582ab08e_o

            Escape – Although this may not be one of the first reasons considered in choosing windows it is a critical one. Imagine getting trapped in a building with only walls, one door and no other way out. Having windows that allow for egress is a really good plan.

When I was a kid I used to have a reoccurring dream. In this dream there was a concrete block room, standing isolated in the country. It had no top, no doors and no windows. There was a ladder fastened to one of the walls that went up and over and down the other side. I would get inside this room and then a giant mallard duck would show up and circle around overhead (this might be a conversation I should have with a doctor while lying on a couch) …I digress. When I would try to get out the duck would dive down close to the top of the walls. I still remember how it felt, the feeling of being trapped in this room with no way out. I sure wish that there had been a nice Pella window in one of those walls, one with shades between the panes of glass. This would have made me feel better.

Our feelings will be included when making a decision, whether we realize it or not. This is not to say that feelings are the only thing, just a part of the process. Feelings are powerful and can have a lasting effect on us.

Don’t be afraid of your feelings, include them when considering your decisions.

The Importance of Good Communication

It Should Be Focused On Helping the Customer Realize THEIR Dream



Over the last few days I have been reminded of how important good communication is. There are two separate instances that have come to my attention that confirm this. One situation is of an individual who had been given a price for a project and then after they were already started doing their part (pouring the concrete) found out the price for the building was more than expected. The second was someone who had a project done with no agreement in writing. Once the project was almost completed there were some quality issues. This left them (both the customer and the contractor) in a place where they felt cheated. The contractor billed for work done and wasn’t getting paid. The customer felt that the work is below standard and couldn’t get the contractor to come back and fix it. As is usually the case there are several extenuating circumstances in both of these situations and both sides had legitimate viewpoints. Both projects could have had less problems if there had been clearer communication in the beginning.

Read more

How to Get Your Puzzle Pieces to Fit


Easing the stress of being too busy         



This morning as I was posting in my journal I started thinking about all of the things that I didn’t get done yesterday. Then I began to think about how many times I have posted this same thing over and over. It sure seems that I spend way too much time feeling overwhelmed and behind. I really want to get more done! Then I thought about all of the times that I’ve had this same conversation with other people. “How is your day going? Man I am so far behind I don’t think I will ever get caught up. I sure wish there were more hours in the day.” I have heard these or similar comments more times than I can count. Our lives can feel like a 20,000-piece jigsaw puzzle was dumped out in front of us with no picture of what it is supposed to look like when it’s done.

So how can we get all of these pieces to fit…or can we? This is the big question. It would be nice to know what the finished puzzle is supposed to look like. This puzzle can be tough and frustrating. I think it is especially difficult for those of us who are ‘recovering perfectionists’. We want all of the pieces to fit just right. To know ahead of time exactly where each piece is supposed to go. This particular puzzle, called life, doesn’t work like that.


Here are some reasons we struggle with our puzzle and some ideas to help us get our pieces to fit.

We pick up too many pieces by over scheduling. There are so many pieces that we want to put in the puzzle. Some more important than others. We start out by picking up all of the pieces we can. More pieces than we could possibly put in the puzzle today and then what do we do…try to pick up a few more. I know for me, if I don’t start the day with more pieces than I will be able to use, I naturally slow down. I put in less pieces than I would otherwise. What I have to remember is that every day I am going to have pieces left over and that’s okay. The key is to be intentional. Start with the corner pieces. Put in the most important pieces first.

The puzzle isn’t going together as fast as we want. Sometimes (most times) things just take longer than we think. We think, hey it won’t take more than an hour or two to put all of these pieces in. Then after working on this for a while, we realize we were trying to force pieces to fit in the wrong place. So we take a deep breath and start again. This time putting them where they belong. Maybe we didn’t allow enough time to do it. We thought we could put in a piece every minute to only find out that it took longer than that. Oh, and don’t even get me started on interruptions and distractions. It can really slow things down when somebody throws their pieces in the middle of ours. We need to do as much planning and preparation as we can before we start, but remember to not over plan. Spread the pieces out, find the edge pieces and get started.

With so many pieces in front of us we lose our focus. After we have put all of the edge pieces in place we are feeling pretty good. Then we look at all of the pieces that are left and aren’t sure where to start. We look at these pieces and then at those…which ones should we do first? This is when we just need to pick a piece. It doesn’t matter which one. Just pick one. Then start looking for one that looks like it will connect to it. If it doesn’t then try the next one and the next one. Keep going one piece at a time until you find a piece that fits. Then do it again and again. Before you realize it you look up and there are a bunch of pieces hooked together and a picture beginning to take shape. We need to remember that we can only put one piece in at a time. Concentrate on that one. If it doesn’t fit, then pick up a different piece and focus on it.

Life is a puzzle. What really makes this puzzle fun and exciting is that while we are putting our puzzle together other people are putting theirs together and their puzzle is connected to ours.


What struggles have you had or tricks have you found while working on your puzzle?

To Hire or Not to Hire, That Is the Question?

Over the last several years ‘Do It Yourself’ has become a popular theme for TV programs as well as marketing for building product suppliers. As a builder, one of my pet peeves is the DIY shows and marketing. There are even whole TV channels dedicated to this. My problem with it is, that in 30-60 minutes’ whole rooms are transformed. This can be misleading, not to mention 898282907_10c68e3ac4_odown right impossible. Don’t get me wrong, the satisfaction that comes from doing a repair, changing a light switch or faucet, installing a window, building a deck or even remodeling a complete room can be extremely rewarding. The thing is, you better know what you are getting into before you start.


Reasons for hiring a professional – You need to consider what your skill level is and what the parameters of the project are before tearing into it. Depending on the specific project there is a lot to be aware of. Even something simple like painting a wall can be more complicated than many people realize. Once you start getting into things that are structural, for example, cutting an opening in a wall or building a deck. You sure need to understand what is involved. Not knowing how to do something like this can lead to big problems or maybe somebody getting hurt. It can be hard for those of us that are micro managers to give up the control.

It comes down to priorities. Of all of the things I can choose to spend my time and money on what’s going to be the most important? With over 35 years of construction experience I have determined that getting the right help is a good plan. I just can’t do everything myself…as much as I would like to.


Benefits of hiring that professional – Time is a precious commodity. If you are like me, I can’t ever seem to be able to get everything done that I want to. So when I find someone that I can trust, who I have determined has the desire and skills to do the thing that I need done, doesn’t it make sense to pay them to do it? This allows me to be able to do something else that I am better suited for or maybe would just prefer doing.

Then there is the whole ability thing. Having grown up on a farm I learned how to do a lot of different things. I learned how to be pretty self-sufficient. I am proud of this heritage and I think this is a good quality. The thing is, I was taught this from an early age, over several years and through trial and error. I didn’t just watch a 30-minute TV program or go online to learn it. I am sure that I could make a car given enough time and money, but doesn’t it make more sense to buy one made by professionals.


Reasons for not hiring a professional – The key here is defining ‘professional’. If you’re considering hiring someone then you need to do some research and make sure that you get the right person. There are a lot of people out there that seem to be qualified and aren’t. If you hire someone that isn’t then the outcome might not be much better than if you did it yourself.

Maybe you have the time and desire to learn something new. This is a great reason for doing the project yourself. Just be careful to not get in too far over your head. Be clear on what it’s going to take to do this.

You could save money by not paying somebody else. Just be aware that there most likely will be more time spent in researching, planning, buying, exchanging, returning, redoing and cleaning than actually constructing.

Doing physical work is good exercise. Some people go to the gym or have equipment at home. Some people walk, ride bikes or run. Depending on what your normal routine is doing a home project can be a great way to exercise.


A third option – If you really want to do your own home project, but need some help with knowing how, what, when and where. You might consider finding an experienced professional to guide you through the process. Finding the right person for this can be as tricky as anything. Just realize the value of knowledge and the benefit that it can have.


Once you have determined that you have the ability (knowledge, time, money and physical strength) to do your project, then by all means go for it. There is nothing much more rewarding than stepping back and being able to see something that you have built.