Writing a Blog…What the Heck Am I Thinking?



Having spent most of my adult life working in the construction industry I have experienced the difficulties and struggles that come with it. I’ve seen unhappy customers and contractors who didn’t understand why. I’ve seen way too many building projects run over budget or behind schedule. I’ve seen contractors scrambling to make ends meet and customers who think everything costs too much.

It doesn’t have to be this way. I think that building a home, a business or a life, are like construction. You need to determine what you want and why you want it. Start with a good design. Have a blueprint and know how to read it. Make sure that you have a good foundation. Be flexible and willing to accept changes as they come along. Understand that there are going to be problems and be prepared to deal with them. If you can be clear about the goals in the beginning and work with a good team, you can build something great.

This is my hope for this blog site.

By nature I am a planner and a thinker. I’m always thinking and then talking about what I’m thinking. This is how I process my thoughts. I think out loud. This blog is a place for me to do that. It will give me the opportunity to get feedback from you as well. It will be like virtual brainstorming. This sharing should help all of us build better.

I’m going to write with two separate, but intertwined, focuses. One for the building industry and one for the building customer. There will be things that we can all learn from both. The goal is that all of these will lead to building better. I plan to post two new blogs weekly, one for each focus. In addition to these two there will be a third topic mixed in periodically. It will be more random, with a foundational life lesson built in.

The business blog will share business systems, business ideas, personal experiences, construction lessons, etc.:


  • Sales and Marketing
    • Proposals and contracts
    • Customer relations
  • Production and Operations
    • Communication documents and systems
    • Production documents
  • Administration and Finance
    • Contracts and change orders
    • Cash flow
    • Invoicing
    • Bill paying
  • New and different ways of operating a business
  • Examples of things that worked and things that didn’t
  • Discussion of specific products and applications


The customer blog will focus on looking for and finding solutions for building projects by sharing how to work with contractors, construction ideas, personal experiences, product education, etc.:


  • What to expect from a contractor
  • Improved communication
  • Project budgets
  • Realistic project timelines
  • Products and how they work (or don’t)


For years I have been asked by other contractors and customers, how I do this or why I do that or what I think the best way is to do something. I’m always glad to answer these questions, but there is a limit to how much I can do this and still operate a construction company. My hope is that this blog site will allow me to share with, and help, a lot more people with SOLUTION BUILDING.

Riding on a Runaway Train

Getting Control of Your Busy Life


For years I have used the example of a runaway train as a comparison to my busy, on the go, over scheduled, out of control life. It’s like I am riding on a speeding train of which I’m supposed to be in control. The problem is that instead of being seated comfortably in the engine at the front, I am barely hanging onto the ladder on the back of the caboose trying to not fall off. The train keeps speeding along, with no way for me to get control from the caboose. I start pulling my way forward, one train car at a time. First one, then a second, then a third. Look at me I’m making some real progress here. It won’t be long now and I will have this train back under control. Then, wouldn’t you know it, the train hits a bump. I lose my grip and catch the caboose as it goes by. Now I get to start clawing my way back toward the front all over again. How am I ever going to get this crazy train, called life, under control? If you’ve ever felt like this, then here are some ideas that might help.

You need to have a plan –This is where getting control starts. How are you going to make it to the engine? The key is to not quit. Don’t ever let go of your train unless you’re dead. As long as you are still alive you can do something about your situation. You need to be intentional about how you want your train to operate.

            Review the past – Look back at what has worked and what hasn’t. What was it that caused you to lose your grip from the train? Determining this will help you to know how to hold on as you move forward next time.

            Figure out what your purpose is – God has given each of us specific talents that fit who we are created to be. It is up to us to find out what they are and put them to good use. This determines who we are and what kind of train we have. Is it a freight train, a passenger train or maybe something different?

            Don’t overload your train – Once you have determined what kind of train you’re on you can decide what kind of cars should have. Most likely there are some that will need to be disconnected and left behind. Overloading our train is a very common problem. Most of us think we have a ‘super train’ that can pull as many cars as we hook to it. It’s okay if we don’t pull them all. They will fit in someone else’s train better, or are just a waste of good train fuel. Who knows maybe you will need to add some different ones. The important thing is to know how many are too many and which ones don’t belong.

            Help from other trains – Sometimes when our trains are overloaded there are others that can help us with our load. Maybe they can give us a push, a pull or take some of our cars. It’s okay to get help. Our train isn’t the only one. If we get our load right, then we are better prepared to help other trains when they need it.

In this world there is no such thing as a perfect train. We will never have complete control or a ride without any bumps. What is important is to not give up or quit. Keep working to make your train better. To be aware and observant of what our train should be. Work every day to make your train the best train it can be and remember, ENJOY THE RIDE!

Six Ways to Find Your Right Builder

I read a study once years ago that ranked building contractors below used car salesmen. This is not to say that all used car salesmen are bad, but they have, over the years had a stigma of…shall we say…not being the most honest and trustworthy. For builders to have been ranked below them was very confusing and a little disturbing. I then realized that I viewed customers differently than a lot of builders. For me they aren’t just customers, a project or just a way to earn money. They are my friends. If you are looking to spend money to have a project done, sometimes a lot of money. Isn’t having a friend who is looking out for you and has your back the best plan? We’ve all heard the stories of the storm chasers that came through town after a hail storm. They get money for material and then never come back to do the work. What about the guy that was laid off from ‘his job’. He has a pickup, a hammer and a skill saw, heck he can build a deck for his buddies cousin. Oh, don’t forget the kid that worked for a contractor for a couple of months and got fired because he wouldn’t show up to work. He’s now an experienced contractor. As a customer you can find a builder that will help you bring your ideas to life and has your best interest at heart. You need to know what to look for so you can find the right fit for you.

  1. Word of mouth – This is the best form of advertising. Find someone that you know and trust that has had a building project done. Ask them who they used. What their experience was like. This will give you a view from someone independent of the industry with nothing to gain.
  2. References – Don’t be afraid to ask builders for references. This is a good way to find a variation of ‘word of mouth’ and in addition to people that you know. A builder should be able to supply you with 3-5 names of past customers that you can follow up with. If not you should proceed with caution.
  3. Professionalism – The level of professionalism will vary between contractors. There is no one specific style or level that should be used in every instance. What you want here is to know that this builder takes what they are doing seriously. There should be something unsettling if you get a hand written estimate on a napkin.
  4. Experience – This comes with time. Not every qualified builder has years and years of experience, but the more years the more experience. You don’t want to hire that ‘experienced contractor’ that was fired for not showing up to work.
  5. Communication – Even small and simple projects require communication. Of course the bigger and more complex the project the more important it is to communicate. In today’s world there are all sorts of ways to do this. The specifics of how aren’t as important as the doing it is.
  6. Compatibility – This is the bottom line when it comes to determining who to use. Depending on what is important to you, what your focus is for your project. Find a builder that shares those core values. Each and every one of us is different. Take the time to get informed and find the best fit for you.

Be Careful About Short Table Legs

Supporting and balancing your business.

Have you ever felt like your business and/or your life were out of balance? It’s a little like a three legged table with a short leg, it can get wobbly.

I know I have felt this way and sometimes still do. You have probably heard the saying ‘feast or famine’ when talking about the building industry. This refers to the common problem of either having way too much to do. Or worrying about how you are going to pay the bills if you don’t get some work soon. Sometimes this is caused by situations beyond our control. The economy, the weather or some other external force. I think more often than not this ‘out of balance business’ is like a table with a short leg.

Most of us that are self-employed, started out by learning our trade as an apprentice while working for someone else. I know that is how I started. The problem with this is that while I learned how to build a building I wasn’t taught how to build a company. After years of struggling and learning things the hard way and paying the expensive tuition to the ‘school of hard knocks’, I am getting closer to graduating.

One thing that I learned is that my business is a lot like a three legged table. When each of the legs are the same length, it helps provide a level sturdy platform for my company to sit on. When any one or two of them is short the table starts leaning and begins to tip over. If it tips too far the company will slid off. It’s not good when the company slides onto the floor.

My three table legs are:

1 – Sales/marketing – Searching for and finding customers that you can help by providing your service and/or product through word of mouth, advertising and awareness. Meeting with potential customers, determining what they want/need and preparation of estimates, proposals and contracts.

2 – Production – Organizing, scheduling and maintaining the project or product. Determining who and what the specific people and parts that are needed and making sure they fit. Maintaining communication between all parties involved.

3 – Administration/finance – The preparation documents needed to communicate, track and record all aspects of the business. The filling out and filing of income, expense, banking and tax papers. This leg is one of the easiest to get short and when it does can really cause the table to lean.

The table top is the big picture planning and organizing. It’s what connects the three separate legs. It’s easy to give too much attention to one or two legs and forget the others. To get so focused on the production of a project that we forget to follow up on a new customer. To get so into preparing proposals that we forget to invoice. To work so diligently on tracking expenses that we don’t leave enough time for working on the project.

There is no perfect answer to keep the table from ever leaning. The most important thing is to realize that it can happen and work to keep the table balanced.