We’re All Called to be Saltshakers and Flashlights
We’ve been put here to fulfill a purpose that is specific to us. Some figure out what that purpose is quicker than others. Often people aren’t even aware they have a specific purpose that is exclusive to them and them alone.
Everyone of us is different and the same.
There are different kinds of salt. All of which make things better, whether it’s flavoring food, melting ice, cleaning stains, soothing insect bites or stopping a grease fire. The salt is different and the same. The important thing to remember is that, regardless of its purpose, there is nothing gained if it’s not used. We all have skills and talents that when used make things better.
We all have different skills and talents, but we won’t make things better if we don’t use them. We’re like the salt.
Just like
the salt, there are different forms of light. There is electric light, candles,
lanterns and flashlights to name a few. All of them allow us to see in the dark.
It’s amazing how much light a single candle puts out. The light is different
and the same. Light doesn’t do anyone any good if it’s kept hidden. No
matter how small, we all have a light that needs to be used to help light the
We need to let our light shine and help others to see to find their way through the dark. We’re like the light.
In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus tells us that we are the salt of the earth and the light to the world. If we don’t use our salt (skills and talents) it will become good for nothing. If we don’t shine our light it leaves both us and those around us lost in the dark.
No matter what
our unique purpose is, we make things better and brighter when we share.
What is it That Draws Us to be a Part of These Groups?
Exclusive makes us feel special. We want to be somebody, to be valuable, to stand out from the crowd. We think exclusive clubs will do this for us. If there’s only room for a few and I get in, then I’m important.
Collins dictionary defines exclusive as, something that is used or owned by only one person or group, not shared and limited to people with a lot of money or who are privileged. The world is full of exclusive clubs that require some very expensive and/or bizarre requirements to even be considered.
This is how the world perceives special.
There’s a story of a boy whose older brother had started a “club” with some of his friends. The younger brother wanted to join so bad that he was willing to do anything, including jumping from the top of the stairs, which resulted in a broken ankle. The cost to joining clubs can be painful.
There’s a different kind of club out there called the Kingdom Club. It’s inclusive and easy to join. All that’s required is accepting the invitation and willingness to follow a few simple rules.
Joining the Kingdom Club is so easy that most people think it’s too good to be true. Or, they’re afraid that it’s so easy that they will be lost in the crowd. That’s one of the best things about this club, joining it allows our “special” to radiate.
The Kingdom Club is full of nothing but special people.
We’ll start with questions about types of construction.
Do you do more commercial or residential work?
I do more residential than commercial but do both. Commercial tends to be less relational than residential. I’ve always felt like the relationship between the customer and contractor is more than only a business transaction. In order to serve the customer well I need to get to know them. This only happens if a relationship is built. Commercial projects normally are more transactional.
Do you do more renovations or new building projects?
I do mostly renovations and remodeling projects. New construction is less challenging than remodeling. New construction has less restraints than renovations do. It takes more out of the box thinking to take an already existing structure and change it into something different. I love the challenge of finding a solution to these projects.
Do you build specially for earthquakes?
No. In this part of the country this hasn’t even been a part of the discussion up until recently. It still isn’t a big issue for local construction projects. If buildings are built up to the current building codes for our area, past tremors won’t be any reason to change this. Our focus should be on high winds and tornados.
How many permits do you need to build a new house?
This depends on where the building project is located, some places don’t require any. Normally there is at least one “building permit” for each project. There are also different permits for different areas of the project, i.e. plumbing, electrical, HVAC, etc. that are sometimes required. All permitting is determined by the local jurisdiction, so it is important to find out what the regulations are for the location where you plan to build before you start.
Have you ever built a tiny house?
Your definition of a “tiny house” will depend on how I answer this question. I have built three very tiny houses. None of these were built for living in, not that someone couldn’t have. The three tiny houses were built for playhouses but were more than a normal playhouse. All of them were built with the same construction as a full-size house…just smaller…a lot smaller.
Okay, I was kidding myself when I thought I could get all ten answered this week.
There are still five more questions. I will answer the last five next week. The remaining questions are about my education and my experience.
In our humanness we all feel inadequate. We don’t think we have what it takes to do that thing…whatever that thing for us is.
One of Rev. James Moore’s seminary responsibilities was a weekly visit to a hospital. One week he was asked to speak to Mrs. Davis who was scheduled for brain surgery the next morning. She didn’t want to be bothered, but in her condition and with the risky surgery the hospital felt that he should visit her anyway.
In his young, inexperienced, inadequate state, he didn’t think he could do it.
The hospital staff continued to push him until he finally went to pray with her. Things didn’t go so well; he opened the door too hard and it banged the wall, he kicked her bed as he walked around it and then when he started to pray with her…he didn’t know what to say. He stammered around as he prayed and finally after feeling like a complete failure, he left.
He went directly to his professor and told him that he wasn’t cut out for this work, he had just made a mess of things at the hospital and wanted to drop out. The professor said that he was too busy right then, to come back next week and they would talk.
When Rev. Moore went back for his regular scheduled time at the hospital, he was expecting bad news…but he found that Mrs. Davis was doing well. When he went to see her, she explained that last week before he came to her, she had given up. His visit had gone so poorly that she felt sorry for him and this compassion for him, had given her the will to live.
Rev. Moore went on to become a minister, author and leader who impacted thousands of lives.
We don’t have to be perfect; we don’t have to be good; we just have to be willing.
Faith is being willing to get up and go when God gives us opportunities. He doesn’t ask us to do things with talents that we don’t have. Believe in yourself and trust in God.
Who knows how many we can help if we will move forward in faith.
This is the 3rd in the series of answering the questions asked by the Scout group. The first week we discussed the willingness of these young people to ask questions, unlike most adults. Last week we answered some basic construction questions.
As was the case last week, most often answers to questions need answers to other questions. With this being a one-sided conversation, I’ll answer these questions without having any specific answers to additional questions.
Do you hire the electrical/plumbing or does the owner?
This will vary on each project and will depend on the customer’s needs and goals, but as a general contractor I usually provide subcontractors. As an example of varying between projects, the owner of the project we’re currently working on is a retired electrician, so he’s doing the wiring on this project.
What equipment do you use most often?
I think the piece of equipment that I use the most often is a hammer. Some people would probably consider equipment as something motorized or powered. According to Collins dictionary, “Equipment consists of things which are for a particular purpose,” which would include a hammer. If you insist on only power tools being equipment, the second most used piece of equipment would be a cordless screw gun…there are you happy. 😊
Do you prefer to use more manual or electrical equipment?
Here we are again, manual vs. powered. I definitely “prefer” using electrical equipment or most any power tool over manual. Power tools make most tasks they’re used for easier. However, depending on the task being performed in some cases the manual tool is better suited and more productive. For example, you shouldn’t use a pneumatic nail gun as a hammer to drive a board into place.
How do you dig a foundation?
The size of the project will usually dictate how the foundation will be dug. If the project requires moving a large amount of dirt, for example a basement, then typically a large excavator (link) will be used. If it’s something smaller, we would most often use a mini excavator. (link) If the project is small enough or inaccessible to equipment then it could be dug by hand with a shovel.
These next three questions relate to the dangers of construction.
Where are the dangerous places on a construction site?
Everywhere on a construction site is dangerous. Sure, some are more dangerous than others, but heights are among the most dangerous. Falling is the number one cause of construction site injuries. Some other dangers on a construction site are; power saws, pneumatic tools, electricity, heavy equipment and cave ins of ditches.
How often do injuries happen?
This answer depends on how we want to define “injury”. Some people would consider a splinter an injury. For this answer I’m going to define injury as something requiring medical attention, i.e. stiches, broken bones, requiring a doctor’s attention, etc. During my forty plus years in construction I have personally witnessed or actually been injured 8 – 10 times. If I take that number of times over the forty years, that’s .000137%. As dangerous as construction sites are and as much construction that’s done, surprisingly it’s not as often as one might expect. The key is working smart and safe.
Have you ever broken a hard hat?
This is one of the most interesting questions asked and easiest to answer. I can answer it with a resounding NO. This is not to say they can’t be broken, but it takes a lot to break one.
There are still several questions left to answer so next week we’ll look at types and specialty forms of construction.
If these questions raise additional questions for you, send them to us in the comments below and well answer them.
No one likes being alone without any sense of community. Just yesterday while paying my utility bill at the city office, the conversation turned to community. The lady ahead of me was visiting with the lady taking the payments. When the one paying saw me, she apologized for making me wait. I assured her that it was no problem. When I was making my payment, the conversation turned to the lady. She was eighty-something and lived alone. Her conversation gave her the feeling of belonging.
The need to be a part of something is important but more important is what that something is.
This need to belong lures people into gangs and organizations with disturbing motives. Christian Picciolini a former leader of the Chicago Area Skinheads was recruited into the group at fourteen as he struggled to find a community among other punk rock fans. After a shocking loss at the hands of radical violence his life was changed forever. Now he has gone from leading a hate group to leading a movement against hate. At one time he was willing to die for what was wrong…now he’s willing to die for what’s right.
When you’re feeling alone, determining what’s right and wrong can be hard.
We need to extend an invitation to lonely people looking for a place to belong, giving them a positive alternative. Just like Mr. Picciolini we need to be willing to put it all on the line. As Christians we’ve been called to use our time, money and talents to share God’s message with the world. His calling is only limited by our obedience.
A humorous example of the importance of belonging is, “A Plague for Mayberry” episode of the Andy Griffith Show. Where Members of the Women’s Historical Society discover that a descendant of a Revolutionary War hero may be living in Mayberry. Barney uses the library and deduces that he, himself, is the person they are looking for. When the women announce that town drunk Otis Campbell is the real descendant, the mayor and town council have a fit and want Andy to get Otis out of town and bring in a substitute to accept the award. Andy refuses, saying it wouldn’t be fair to Otis. The women present the plaque to a sober Otis, who says he can’t take credit for being born and is just happy to belong to such a wonderful community and then gives the plaque to the town of Mayberry.
The sense of belonging that Otis felt was real and important. We all want to belong to something, just choose the something wisely!
Last week I shared the list of questions asked by a group of Scouts. This week I’ll begin to answer them.
As I pointed out last week, due to the number of questions I’m going to divide them into different topics to keep the posts from getting too long. This week I’ll start by answering some basic construction questions. Keep in mind that asking and answering questions is communication and communication is a two-way process. This means that before I can answer questions fully and accurately, I need some questions answered.
How much does building a new house cost?
This is the most common first question. It only makes sense; cost is a critical part of deciding whether to build. It’s also one of the most difficult to answer, especially when asked without any specifics.
Here are some of the questions that need answered to determine a price:
Where will it be located? – location effects things like utilities, sewer, lot preparation, zoning, permitting, etc.
How big? – more square feet costs more.
How many levels? – stacked is typically less expensive per square foot.
Type of foundation? – slab, crawl space or basement.
How high are the ceilings? – higher is more expensive.
What style of roof? – more complicated costs more.
How many windows? – more windows cost more.
Quality of materials and finishes? – there’s a wide variation in quality which translates into a wide variety of price, i.e. cabinets, countertops, flooring, light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, etc.
This is some of the things that need to be determined before getting an accurate price.
As a vague answer to a vague question, in the middle part of the US where we do construction, you can figure an average home to cost $110.00 to $150.00 per square foot of living space.
How long does it take to build a new house?
The answer to this question will be directly connected to the answers of the last question. Size, design, level of finish, etc. will all effect the length of time to build a new house. An average 2000 square foot home will take 6 – 9 months.
How much wood does a new house take?
Once again, the answer is going to depend on specifics of the house. Let’s just answer the question using the average 2000 square foot house that we have been using. Let’s assume that it’s going to have wood floor joists, sub-floor, wall studs, wall boxing, ceiling joists, rafters, roof sheathing, siding, windows, doors, cabinets, etc. All these things combined will be around 40 pounds per square foot. That means the wood used in a 2000 square foot house will weigh around 80,000 pounds, or 40 tons.
How much steel goes into a house?
There are some cases where houses are framed using steel, but typically that’s not very common. There are some steel things commonly used, like nails, screws, joist hangers, reinforcing steel in concrete, etc. Sometimes steel beams and posts are used for supporting heavier loads and wider spans. In a typical wood framed house, it takes around 10 pounds of steel reinforcing, fasteners and misc. per square foot to build. This means that our 2000 square foot wood framed home would have around 20,000 pounds or 10 tons.
Next week we’ll answer questions about the construction process. If you have any construction questions you would like answered, asked them in the comments below.
While at a school dance a young woman found herself in an awkward situation. Across the room she spotted a young man whom she was attracted to. While talking about him with her girlfriends, she knew exactly what she was going to say. Once she finally mustered up the courage, she went up to him to introduce herself. It was at this point that she became totally tongue tied and everything she wanted to say refused to cooperate. We’ve all found ourselves in similar situations, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control.
An example of being on the other side of the confidence scale is the business card of Chen Guangbiao, a wealthy Chinese businessman who tried to buy the New York Times in 2014. It’s uncertain where all the titles he claims came from, but there certainly doesn’t appear to be any lack of confidence.
Being overconfident isn’t a good plan either. It comes across as arrogant and overbearing and usually pushes other people away. If you are good at what you do others will see that without you tooting your own horn.
If you understand your purpose you can be confident without patting yourself on the back.
A young man was out walking around late one night, when he spotted a police car heading his way. Even though he wasn’t doing anything but walking around, he took off running. The police officers saw him run and pursued. The young man went down an alley and hid behind a dumpster burying himself under some trash. The police officers saw him and shinned the spotlight on him. Scarred for his life the young man stepped out covered in trash and said he hadn’t done anything wrong. The police officer said, “I’m not here to punish you; I’m here to protect you.
We often find ourselves covered in trash saying that we didn’t do anything wrong.
It’s difficult balancing confidence and fear. Self-awareness and understanding are where balance starts. Once we know who we are and what we do, we can move toward balance. Sometimes we need some guidance and inspiration to get us moving though.
Earlier this week I listened to a Ray Edwards podcast, in which he introduced me to the amazing Jennifer Allwood. If you want some motivation, just listen to this podcast. Jennifer’s book, Fear is Not the Boss of You, How to Get Out of Your Head and Live the Life You Were Made For, will be released in April. You can count on me getting a copy.
If We Could Just Get Adults to Be More Curious Like Young People
Nine months ago, I met with a fine group of Scouts on a job site to answer their questions about construction and business. If adults would ask more questions like this…there would be less confusion between customer and contractor.
Too often as adults we don’t ask questions for fear that we will appear dumb. It’s like we think we should know everything about everything. As I answered their questions, I thought…
If more people asked questions like these , more dream projects would be a dream come true.
Here’s the questions they asked:
How much does building a new house cost?
How much wood does a new house take?
How long does it take to build a new house?
How many permits do you need to build a new house?
Do you build specially for earthquakes?
What equipment do you use most often?
How do you dig a foundation?
Did you go to college? Trade school?
What schooling do you need?
What made you want to start your business?
What was the first thing you built?
What was your first job ever?
How much steel goes into a house?
Have you ever built a tiny house?
Where are the dangerous places in a construction site?
Do you do more commercial or residential work?
Do you prefer/use more manual or electrical equipment?
Do you do more renovations or new building projects?
Have you ever broken a hard hat?
How often do injuries happen?
Do you hire out the electrical/plumbing or does the owner?
I thought I should share the answers to their questions with you. Due to the length of the list, I will it break down in future posts by category. Maybe these will inspire more questions to be asked. At the very least you will have these answers.
Check back next week to see the answers.
Communication is the biggest problem for construction customers and contractors. That’s why I have written extensively about it in the past. Here are links to some of those posts:
As the new year begins, we start filling up our already busy lives with more things to do. I think reviewing the past and looking to the future is a great plan and the new year is a fitting time for this. What we need to be clear about is what we’re going to spend our time doing and what makes us happiest.
We can choose to be happy or not.
“…happiness is not an emotional phantom floating in and out of my life. Happiness is a choice. Happiness is the end result of certain thoughts and activities, which actually bring about a chemical reaction in my body. This reaction results in euphoria, which, while elusive to some, is totally under my control.” Andy Andrews, The Traveler’s Gift.
“This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!” Psalms 118:24. Everyday is a day that we’ve been given, we have the power to choose if we’re going to be happy or not.
Happy is a much better way to spend our time and energy.
Not only is being happy a benefit to us, it also spreads to those around us. It’s contagious. Surrounding ourselves with happy people is much more enjoyable and productive.
Make choosing to be happy one of your goals for this new year and spread it around.
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