Having the Right Builder Can Help Protect Your Home Investment

The Question is, How Do You Know If You Have the Right One or Not?

In our last post we discussed how expensive home construction can be and the importance of knowing your builder.

If you’re not careful, building the home of your dreams can become a nightmare.

The number of times I’ve heard people say that building their new home was the worst experience of their life is too many. This is not how construction projects should be remembered.

So, as a construction customer, how can you avoid this from happening to you?

I recommend using the 5-step BUILD process.

This simple system will help you avoid construction catastrophes.

  • Being aware that there are problems when it comes to construction. If you’ve never been involved in a construction project, they can look pretty smooth from the outside. Not so much. Part of the problem is that the professionals that do this every day know this and are prepared for it. Construction customers on the other hand can be surprised when this happens.
  • Understanding what the problems are and what to do about them. If you know about the problems and are prepared it makes the process much easier to handle. There’s nothing quite so upsetting as when you’re expecting one thing and it’s not what you get.
  • Information and Instruction. This step requires some research or guidance from someone who knows construction. This Information includes things like knowing what the processes and procedures of construction are or simply knowing what questions to ask. You can search the internet for the basic information but if you don’t know construction, it can be hard to tell what you can trust and what you can’t. This is where it is helpful to find a trusted professional.  
  • Learning can give the inexperienced construction customer confidence to ask questions of a professional builder. Being Informed and Instructed will help you Learn about the construction process so that you won’t be afraid to ask your builder questions.

A big part of the problem is that most builders either don’t realize customers are intimidated by them or they don’t care.

  • Delivery of the DREAM is the final step of this process. This should be the goal of both the customer and the builder. It’s where all the scary, hard work and time pays off. The customer gets the home of their Dreams and the contractor makes a profit.

To achieve that dream it’s important to have a builder you can trust.

Bridging this gap between construction companies and customers is why here at Solution Building we’ve developed the 5-step BUILD process. This will help construction companies Be aware, Understand, get Information and Learn. Implementing this process pays off for both the customer and the builder when the Dream is Delivered.

This system includes a Business BUILDing Toolbox for Construction Companies full of document templates and instructions for things like:

  • Proposals
  • Contracts
  • Change Orders
  • Payment Applications
  • Profit Comparisons
  • Job Costs
  • Saving Account Transfers
  • OneNote systems and processes

There are also individual and group training courses available as well as custom designing and building of business systems for individual companies.

If you know of a builder or construction company that you think could benefit from this 5-step BUILD system, have them contact us for a free 30-minute construction company consultation.

Doubt Can Be Important to Finding the Truth If We Don’t Stop There

It’s a Building Block for Greatness Not an Obstacle to Overcome

Earlier this month was April Fool’s Day, and there have been some pretty elaborate pranks pulled over the years. Like the big spaghetti harvest of 1957, or the flying penguins in 2008, or the baseball pitcher in 1995 that could throw a 168-mph fastball.

Some of us are more gullible than others. We can be too trusting and be taken advantage of by others. Some are more skeptical and untrusting, believing that everyone is out to get them. Both of these come from a combination of who we are naturally and from experiences.

Somewhere in the middle is the balance where we should be.

April Fool’s Day reminds me of a story that my brother once told me. He was taking classes at the community college in the neighboring town. He had gone shopping and his way back home stopped at McDonalds to have lunch with some of his friends from school.

Of course, he had to take his bag full of shopping treasures in to show off to the guys he was meeting.

As they were finishing their lunch, he saw somebody out in the parking lot that was leaving, who he needed to talk to So, he jumped up and ran out to catch them.

While he was still out in the parking lot, his buddies came outside and were leaving. They all said goodbye and went their separate ways.

On his way home he realized he had left his bag in the booth at McDonalds. So, he turned around and went back. When he got there someone was sitting where he had been, and they had his bag. He asked them for it, but they said it was theirs.

Then I asked my brother, “What was in the bag?”

Crap…like I’m feeding you.

A story that could turn believers into doubters.

Maybe Doubting Thomas, John 20:19-31, was told stories like the one my brother told. Because we know that if he couldn’t see and touch Jesus’s wounds, he wasn’t going to believe. He thought his friends were feeding him a bunch of “crap”.

It’s not like the other disciples hadn’t seen the wounds before they told Thomas. It’s not that Thomas didn’t believe after he saw. Thomas was having trouble wrapping his head around Jesus really being alive.

A week later the disciples were together again. This time, Thomas was with them. Jesus came in while the doors were still locked and stood in the middle of the group. He greeted his disciples and said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at my hands! Put your hand into my side. Stop doubting and have faith!”

Thomas replied, “You are my Lord and my God!”

 Jesus said, “Thomas, do you have faith because you have seen me? The people who have faith in me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed!”

We haven’t been able to see and touch those wounds or witness Jesus being killed and coming back to life. This is where we are called to faith.

Struggling with and overcoming things makes us stronger on the other side.

Seeing our doubts disproved makes us stronger.

Another story that is hard to believe is about giraffe mothers kicking their newborn babies. This has got to be a joke, right! Why would they do that?

As if the eight-foot fall of a baby giraffe’s birth isn’t traumatic enough, as the baby lays there, the mother kicks it, sending it flying. This process continues again and again. Then after a few more times, the mother is happy to see the baby standing and goes over to it and…gives it yet another kick.

This time the young giraffe gets up quickly. Mama Giraffe is delighted.

Why would a mother giraffe do this? She knows that lions and leopards love giraffe meat. So, unless the baby giraffe learns quickly to get up and stay up with the pack…its chance of survival is slim.

It’s up to us to get back up each and every time we’re knocked down.

The prodigal son thought he had it all figured out. He got his inheritance early and went out and blew it. After finding himself in a place he hadn’t expected, he decided to go back and ask for forgiveness rather than continuing to wallow with pigs.

Whether we don’t do something because of doubt…or we do something, and it ends up being the wrong decision, we need to remember…

As long as we are still breathing, it’s not too late.

In either case we will be stronger and smarter afterward.

Don’t let your doubts or fears hold you back from the great things you’ve been put here to accomplish.

Your Home is One of Your Biggest Investments

That’s Why it’s Important to Know Who Your Builder Is

Building a new home is expensive, but the same is true for remodeling.

Let’s face it…construction of any kind costs a lot.

Currently the average cost to build a new house is around $300,000.00 not including the land. Like anything, this price will vary depending on what you want in your dream home. There’s a wide range of materials and workmanship that will affect the final price. The size of the home and location are also determining factors.

The national average price per square foot is $150.00. This means that a $300,000.00 price would get you a 2,000 square foot home.

The final price comes down to what you want in your home. It’s like looking at a bag of groceries – until you know what’s in it, you can’t know what it’s going to cost.

It makes a difference whether that bag is full of tissue paper or steak.

Most people don’t realize how much these choices can affect the price. Some of the things that have the biggest impact are –

  • Construction style – This could be a simple ranch style on a concrete slab or a multi-level house on a finished basement with high ceilings, a complicated roof and wrap around porches or somewhere in between.
  • Windows – These can be simple single hung vinyl windows all the way to custom triple pane wood windows with window treatments between the panes.
  • Cabinets –This is another place where there is a big difference in quality and styles. You could use simple basic lumberyard cabinets with veneered manufactured wood, or you might choose custom made real wood cabinets with specialty options.
  • Countertops – Can be pre-manufactured plastic laminate going all the way to custom solid surface or marble.
  • Flooring – There are a lot of flooring options, both solid surface and carpet. Sheet vinyl flooring is much less expensive the ceramic tile, and, in the middle, there’s a range of luxury vinyl. Carpeting can be a lightweight inexpensive product or a very expensive wool.
  • Plumbing fixtures – Even the lower priced plumbing fixtures aren’t cheap, and higher priced ones can be scary expensive.
  • Electrical fixtures – It’s amazing how many different styles and qualities of electrical fixtures there are, not to mention the number of cool new electrical gadgets that are out there.
  • Woodwork – You can choose to have simple basic base and casing installed or you can have multipiece custom made woodwork done. Not to mention that there is an enormous number of woodwork things like stairways, mantels, post and beams that can be done.
  • Finishes and features – Painting and staining are one of those things that most people see as a simple process that shouldn’t cost that much. What they don’t realize is that there is a lot more to it than simply brushing on a coat of paint. Preparation is the part that makes a huge difference to the finished product. The same is true for staining and applying the clear finish. This isn’t even taking into account custom paints and finishes.

These things are just a small part of what needs to be considered when building your dream home, and this is just the financial part.

In addition to the dollars and cents, there’s an emotional cost that comes with a home construction project. The emotional part can be a lot more expensive and is harder to measure. Most of the time this part of the construction process isn’t given much though.

That’s why it’s important when considering a construction project to know how to BUILD.

This doesn’t mean knowing everything about construction, rather it means knowing how to navigate the process so you can avoid the overwhelm that happens too often.

This is where having the right builder comes in. In our next post we’ll explore what you should look for in a builder and how rare it is to find a good one.

What’s the Explosion That Can Still Be Felt 2000 Years After it Happened?

Life Changing “Explosions” Often Happen When We Least Expect Them

Life is full of unexpected things happening every day. Often our plans or expectations aren’t what actually happen. Some of these things can be pretty big.

Something that you can count on is big explosions in James Bond films. So big in fact that the James Bond movie, Spectre holds the Guinness world record for the largest film stunt explosion. The explosion took 2,224 gallons of fuel and 73 pounds of explosives. 

Granted this film stunt explosion was planned for and expected.

An unexpected explosion that would hold the Guinness record if they had been around when it happened, is Jesus coming back to life after being dead and buried for three days.

In Matthew 28:1-10 we’re told, …suddenly a strong earthquake struck, and the Lord’s angel came down from heaven. He rolled away the stone and sat on it. The angel looked as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards shook from fear and fell down, as though they were dead. The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was nailed to a cross. He isn’t here! God has raised him to life, just as Jesus said he would.”

This unexpected explosion was so big and powerful that we can still feel it today.

Another unexpected life changing “explosion” happened in a prison in Burbank California.  

Casey Diaz grew up in a dysfunctional family as drugs and alcohol took control of his father. He was surrounded by abuse and violence. This was not only in his home but on the streets. “It was broad daylight and a guy in this alley parked his car, walked over to three guys … and gunned them down, all three of them,” Casey said.

Because of this environment, Casey’s view of life became ‘cheap, and harming or hurting someone wasn’t a big deal.’ At the age of 11, he joined a gang that led him to total ruin. According to Casey, it was the beginning of a rough road to violence.

At 16-years-old, Casey committed murder.

Being in prison did not stop Casey from participating in gang activities, he still continued his lifestyle as a savage gang member, and he ended up in solitary confinement.

A woman from a Baptist church started to visit the prison and asked if she could approach the cell where Casey was.

“She came in there and asked the guards to approach my cell,” Casey said. “She said, ‘I’m going to pray for you. I’m going to put you on my ‘hit list.’ I’m going to pray for you.  … and Jesus is going to use you.”

At the time, Casey never imagined he would have a life-altering experience with God that would radically transform his life.

“I had a moment where Christ made Himself very real in my cell,” he said. “I knew for a fact that I had sinned before God. That became the pivotal point of change for me.”

Now describing himself as a born-again Christian, Diaz was nearly 24 when he emerged from prison with a story of how faith changed his life, and he has been sharing it with nationwide audiences ever since, while mentoring at-risk children. 

In a conversation with The Crime Report, Diaz discussed how law enforcement, parents, churches, and educators can work together to disrupt the violent gang culture plaguing communities in Central America and throughout major U.S. cities, the importance of positive male role models for youth, and why his story might help transform today’s youth.

Casey’s life changing experience was not something that he planned for or expected. It came about because one lady was willing to go to him and pray for him. Then the aftershock of God’s explosion that happened over 2000 years ago passed through Casey and is still spreading.

Embrace God’s explosions in your life and share the aftershock with others.

Learn How to BUILD the Construction Business of Your Dreams

The Final Building Blocks in the 5-Step Foundation of Your Business

Dreaming big has always been my nature. Early in my life I had some really big dreams. The problem arose when these dreams didn’t come true. That’s when disappointment and a sense of failure set in.

This discouragement is why over 60% of US construction companies fail within the first five years. People’s business dreams aren’t going according to plan, and they don’t know what else to do but quit.

When I found myself struggling with feelings of failure, I concluded that my dreams must have been wrong. That’s when God got my attention with a smack upside the head…literally.

God wants us to dream big. Mark 11:23-24

The thing that I realized after this wakeup call was…God wasn’t going to do this for me…He was going to do it with me. And I had to get off my “but” and stop making excuses. If I wanted to BUILD this dream business, I needed to get to work.

BEING aware of the problems and UNDERSTANDING them is where the turnaround for your business starts.

BEING aware and UNDERSTANDING are the first two steps in the 5-step process for BUILDing a better business. The next step is receiving the INFORMATION needed and getting INSTRUCTIONS about IMPLEMENTING this INFORMATION into your business. The I in BUILD is hard because it requires asking for help, and most construction guys don’t like to ask for help.

B = Being aware of problems

U = Understanding problems and how to fix them

I = Instruction and Implementation of systems and processes

This brings us to the L in BUILD…LEARNING.

LEARNING is the step that will take the longest and can be the hardest, but it’s also the most important. It is the one that leads to the biggest change. It’s a change from the way you have always done it. Most of us don’t like change. We’re comfortable wallowing here, doing things the way we always have.

Change will go faster if you have someone help you through the process.

LEARNING to build a building isn’t instantaneous. You don’t show up on a job site your first day knowing everything about building. You come back the second day and LEARN more and the third and the fourth. And years later you have LEARNED how to build.

Just like pouring concrete, framing a wall, pulling wire, soldering copper, shingling a roof, or installing flooring…after repeating the process over and over it becomes a part of who you are…you could do it in your sleep.

Building a business is the same. You can’t just wave a magic wand and have your business running like a well-oiled machine. It takes time and effort just like building a building does. This also becomes a part of who you are.

One of the greatest feelings ever is to step back and see a finished building project knowing that you did that. You built that.

You can get that same feeling about your business. If you put in the effort to learn the systems and processes, you will be able to step back and know that you built that business of your DREAMS.

This is the D in 5-step BUILD process. The DELIVERY of the DREAM. This is where all the hard work pays off.

If you would like some help BUILDing your DREAM business and receive a free 30-minute consultation of your construction company, simply take this short survey.

We Should Be Willing to Take a Risk Because it’s the Right Thing to Do

It’s All About Believing in the Right Thing and Having Faith

Do places have a memory?

Have you ever felt connected to a place through memories. These could be your memories or others.

I have this kind of connection at home. The house I live in was built in 1916 by my great grandfather. My grandmother on my mom’s side of the family grew up in this house. Then my mother and her sisters grew up here. Now I live there and have raised my family in this house.

To say that I have memories here is an understatement. I have childhood memories of Christmases, Sunday evening suppers, 4th of July fireworks, butchering chickens, putting hay in the barn and on and on. In discussions with my mom and aunts, I’ve heard stories of their memories, too.

All these memories, both heard and lived, have played a part in my feelings for this farm. It has been a part of making me who I am. It’s more than that…it is a part of who I am.

I can see my grandmother and mother running through the house in bare feet on the same floors that I walk on every day.

Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. This commemorates Jesus’s walking into Jerusalem and the people waving palm branches in greeting.

 On His way to Jerusalem, He walked over the Mount of Olives. Like my house holds memories for me, the Mount of Olives held memories for the Jews.

As Jesus walked over there, He would have seen King David as he was fleeing his son Absalom. He would have seen Zacharia as he prophesied. He would have seen all the faces of the people to be the first to be raised from the dead buried in the cemetery there on the Mount of Olives.

Memories are both good and bad. It’s up to us to decide which ones we are going to focus on.

Paul Veneto is a retired flight attendant who worked out of Logan International Airport. On Sept 10, he landed back home in Boston. The next day was off. That’s when United Flight 175, the flight he was an attendant on, flew into the World Trade Center.

He knew the people who were working on that flight. They were his friends and coworkers. This was hard for Paul, he could have been on that plane…he should have been on that plane. He felt guilty about it. Dealing with this Veneto fell into drug addiction.

After being off opioids for six years, in 2015 he decided he would walk the 220 miles from Boston to ground zero pushing a beverage cart to honor the memory of his coworkers and bring attention to them.

This is focusing on the good memories.

We need to remember that the things we do every day will be memories for us and others.

Sometimes this means making difficult and unpopular choices. It can be risky to do the right thing. As we approach Easter, we need to remember what Jesus did for us. He knew the price. He knew that it was risky, but He did it anyway…because it was the right thing to do.

When we are faced with scary situations, we need to remember Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us. Having faith in Him can give us the courage we need to do the scary things in life.

You Need the Right INFORMATION to BUILD the Construction Company of Your Dreams


Most of us in the construction business started out with a vision in our minds of what our dream company would be like. We see those successful companies out there and there’s no reason we can’t do the same thing. After all, we’re really good at building things.

The problem is more times than not…those companies are struggling with the same kind of things that you are. Everything always looks better from the outside.

Dreams usually aren’t founded in reality; it is after all…a dream.

Without knowing the struggles inside those other companies, we begin to doubt that we have what it takes to run a successful business. Then the dream turns into a nightmare. Maybe we’re just kidding ourselves. What made us think we could do this anyway?

This is where a lot of companies give up, close the doors and go back to working for someone else feeling like a failure.

In that time of doubt, you know something is wrong, but you just don’t know what. BEING AWARE that there is a problem is the first building block in BUILDing your dream business.

You don’t need anyone’s help with BECOMING AWARE there’s a problem.

This is where the next block in the foundation of a successful construction company needs laid. The second building block is UNDERSTANDING those problems. It would be nice to have some help with this block.

This is the realization that building a successful construction business includes more than just construction. It requires a plan for the business. In time you can figure out what you need to build a successful business, but it can take a long time and can be expensive. What you need is INSTRUCTION from someone who’s graduated with a master’s degree from the ‘school of hard knocks’.

Having been in construction for more than forty years I have just such a degree.

The third BUILDing block is INSTRUCTION. Just like going to school to learn from teachers is helpful, having someone with more experience in business operations to INSTRUCT you is also helpful. It’s important that you are INTRUCTED with the right INFORMATION. You need the right INFORMATION to help you solve the problems specific to your business.

Asking for help can be a hard thing to do, but it’s easier and faster than trying to do it alone.

The amount of information it takes to run a successful construction business can be overwhelming. Asking someone for help can be scary, not to mention time-consuming. Ultimately, it comes down to you making a decision. You can decide to keep doing things the way you’ve always done them or…

You can decide to do something different and change things.

After being INSTRUCTED and INFORMED you need to LEARN how to use the INFORMATION you’ve received. LEARNING is the block we’ll lay in the next post.

I don’t think your dream was to start a company and have it fail.

It’s up to you to keep that from happening.

If you’d like some help with finding solutions to the problems your company is facing, you can get a free 30-minute construction company consultation with me by filling out this survey.

How We Deal with Suffering is a Decision That is Up to Us

It Helps a Lot When We Decide to NOT do it Alone

There is a lot of suffering out there, whether it’s illness, abusive relationships, someone taking advantage of someone else, or death. As hard as it is, these things are all a part of life.

It’s easy to get caught up in the struggle and pain of these situations. We wonder, why do these things happen. This is a question that we won’t be able to fully answer this side of eternity.

Even though there’s suffering, there are miracles happening around us every day.

It’s up to us to choose which we spend our energy focusing on.

A good example of this is the story of critical care surgeon Dr. Kathryn Butler.

She felt distant from God until she witnessed a medical miracle.

As she worked in the emergency room, she was treating a 22 year old man who had been bludgeoned with a baseball bat in his sleep. His wife, lying beside him, died during the assault and his four-year-old son witnessed everything.

Dr. Butler thrived on the urgency of the emergency room—the chaos, the opportunities to reach people in dire moments. Yet on this particular night she struggled to focus. She kept thinking of his four-year-old son in footed pajamas, and the images of brutality he might never forget.

While wrestling with these thoughts, paramedics rushed in with a 15-year-old boy dying from a gunshot wound. The bullet had torn open his aorta. He could not be saved.

While fighting back tears, her trauma pager went off again. Another 15-year-old boy. Another gunshot wound. This time, the bullet had struck the boy’s head.

The next morning, as she finished her shift, she wandered about as if lost. She despaired over how little life mattered to people. Each of her patients had suffered at the hand of someone who looked at him and saw no worth.

How could God allow such evil?

She had grown up as a nominal Christian. Her family observed certain Christian traditions, but never read the Bible or talked about the gospel together. She understood Christianity to be synonymous with good behavior.

After work, she drove for hours parking at a bridge that spanned the Connecticut River. She gripped the guardrail, tipping her face against the wind, breathed, and felt . . . nothing. She opened her mouth to pray, but no words came.

Doubt led to hopelessness, and hopelessness to despair. She dreamed of eternal sleep, of numbness, of annihilation. Thoughts of taking her own life troubled her daily. She fought the impulse to return to the bridge over the Connecticut River and jump over the railing. Only the love for her husband, Scottie, brought her home each evening.

Months later, Scottie lost his job. While she struggled with the problem of evil, he sought the church, understood the Word for the first time, and accepted Christ as his Savior. Scottie invited her to join him in worship, but she remained disillusioned. When she finally attended church to appease him, everything seemed awkward and foreign.

Later she transitioned to work in the ICU. Among her patients there was a middle-aged man who suffered cardiac arrest after a hip replacement. A lack of oxygen during the arrest had caused severe brain injury and neurologists predicted he would never recover.

The man’s wife and daughters would be at his bedside daily praying for a miracle.

One morning, the man’s wife was at his bedside, singing. As Dr. Butler approached his wife said, “I was praying and praying last night, and when I woke up, I knew everything would be fine. God told me he’s going to be just fine.”

Dr. Butler admired her conviction and her hope, especially since Dr. Butler had neither.

Yet her husband’s clinical data promised that everything would not be fine.

Over the next few weeks his wife continued to sing and pray. The medical staff struggled to conceal their worry. They would shake their heads and cast each other glances that said, “This is heartbreaking.”

One afternoon, he moved his toe. The doctor said, “I’m sorry, but it was probably just a reflex.

“No,” his wife insisted. “Watch.” She put a hand on his shoulder and shouted into his ear for him to wiggle his right big toe. He did.

The next day, he turned his head toward them. Then, he blinked on command. In two weeks, he was awake. In three, he sat in a chair.

At best, the neurologists had anticipated he might occasionally track moving objects. No one expected that his condition would so dramatically resolve.

Medical science could not explain his recovery.

Dr. Butler suspected she had witnessed a miracle. Yet, still wrestled with God. How could He bestow such blessings, yet allow suffering?

Dr. Butler’s husband continued to encourage her to read the Bible. So, she started with the Gospels, then Romans. As she read with a newly opened heart there was unveiled Christ’s love that she had never fathomed.

The agony He suffered for our sake. He had endured heartache and had confronted the face of evil. And He bore such affliction—our affliction—for us. Romans 5:1–8 revealed the awesome magnitude of God’s love for us.

He knows suffering.

The Lord took away Dr. Butler’s despair and fashioned a canvas for His perfect work in her. Just as Christ raised Lazarus so that others might believe, so he redeems suffering—the gunshot wounds, the mourning, the lost jobs, the despondency beside bridge railings—for his glory.

In his mercy, he descends to buoy us up, and to complete miracles we cannot comprehend. He pours blessings upon us every day, but also the hard nights, and every breath in between.

What’s important to remember is that we don’t have to go through these difficulties alone. There is God, family and friends to help us through.

It’s up to us to believe.

Wouldn’t You Like to BUILD Your Construction Company into Your Dream Business?

This Requires an UNDERSTANDING of your Problems and Having Solutions to Fix Them

Last week we talked about the high number of construction companies that fail and some of the reasons this happens. None of these companies were started hoping that they would go broke and go out of business.

So why is it that construction companies fail so often?

We discussed some of those reasons last week. They included things like – a lack of funding or poor cash flow, poor production performance on projects and not having a good business plan.

These problems are more on the business side of things than doing construction. Most people in construction just want to do “construction”, they don’t want to do “business” stuff.

If you want to BUILD your dream construction company, you need a plan…a Blueprint for BUILDing a Better Business.

This plan starts with Being aware that there is a problem. Most people who own or manage construction companies know that something’s not right, but don’t know what it is. They know how to build buildings but not businesses.

Being aware that there’s a problem is the first step. The second is, Understanding what those problems are. Understanding what their business needs help with. Understanding that just like building a quality building isn’t a simple task…neither is building a successful business.

To help us Understand what construction companies are struggling with, we have developed a short survey. In exchange for your time filling out this survey we will give you a free 30-minute construction company consultation to help you Understand the problems your company’s dealing with.

We’ve talked about the first two steps to BUILDing a better construction company, the B and the U.

  • BEING AWARE of the problems
  • UNDERSTANDING what those problems are

There are three more building blocks needed to finish building the foundation of your dream business.

They are –

  • INFORMATION on how to fix those problems and INTRUCTIONS for implementing those solutions into your business
  • LEARNING how you use these processes and systems in the daily operation of your business
  • DELIVERY of the DREAM – This is where your dream business becomes a reality. It is where all the hard work begins paying off.

In upcoming posts, we will dig deeper into the I, L and D of BUILDing a Better Business and how these building blocks are the foundation that successful construction companies are built on.

If you own or manage a company that is involved in construction, don’t forget to fill out the survey and get your free consultation! Also, if you know someone in the construction industry that you think would benefit from a construction company consultation, please send them a link to this post or the survey.

Link to the survey – Understand Your Problems Survey (surveymonkey.com)

Starting a Conversation with Someone Can Be a Scary Thing

Why Do We Find This Simple Act to be So Terrifying?

Most of us are uncomfortable in situations when we are surrounded by people that we don’t know. It can be hard to start a conversation with people in these kinds of circumstances.

I know that I find this hard. For me, I often feel like what I have to say isn’t important. My initial feelings are those of inadequacy. This discomfort then becomes my focus, and I’m not fully engaged. Then, afterwards I can’t remember much…including people’s names.

It’s easy to get caught up in what we think others think, but ultimately, it comes down to being comfortable with who we are.

In the story of the woman at the well, John 4:4-42, Jesus is traveling through Samaria, a country of people that the Jews did not get along with. This issue was serious enough that many times when going from Galilee to Judea, Jews would go around the country of Samaria rather than go through it.

Jesus was resting by a well in Samaria, when a Samaritan women came to draw some water. Jesus asked her if she would give him a drink. This surprised the women because…He was a Jew.

Their willingness to have this conversation and talk with each other led to her being saved, which led to many more Samaritans being saved…

Their willingness to have an open and honest conversation was life changing.

Some conversations are harder than others, especially when we’ve done something that causes damage or harm to others.

This is the story of Joe and Amy. In 1992, Joe Avila was driving drunk and hit and killed Amy Wall, a teenage girl. Joe fled the scene of the accident and was later arrested for second-degree murder. While in jail in the days that followed Joe was afraid, sad, and angry…he was looking for a way to kill himself.

Two lives were destroyed the night Joe Avila killed Amy Wall, but God wouldn’t let their story end there.

While preparing for his murder trial, Joe checked into a six-month sobriety program with the Salvation Army. It was there that, as Joe explains, God “put some people in my life who made me understand what reconciliation was and forgiveness was. “A few months into the program, he came to the decision that would impact him, his family, and the Wall family, too.

Although Joe expressed remorse and went to rehab, the judge still had little faith that Joe was saved from his alcoholism and sentenced him to 12 years.

For the next seven and a half years, Joe was incarcerated at California Men’s Colony in San Luis Obispo, California. Choosing to make the most of his life behind bars, Joe spent his time serving the prison’s hospice patients. Through Prison Fellowship Angel Tree, Joe was able to remain a presence in his daughters’ lives. And he served in the chapel, sharing the Gospel with his fellow prisoners—the highlight of his incarceration.

Not long after Joe’s release, his mentor called to say that Amy’s brother, Derek, wanted to meet with him. For years Joe had prayed that God would help him reconcile with Amy’s family. Even so, Joe was nervous about the meeting.

That first meeting with Derek was several hours long. Derek told Joe about all the things he and Amy used to do together, how much he loved her, and that he had thought Joe was a monster who should get the electric chair for what he had done.

But then Derek explained that his family had been following Joe’s progress behind bars. They knew he was trying to make his life better.

Joe told Derek something he had long wanted to say: “I’m really sorry for what I’ve done, and I hope that someday you can forgive me.”

Later, Joe’s mentor called again. This time, Rick Wall, Amy’s father, wanted to see Joe. During that meeting, something miraculous occurred.

Rick told Joe about the two days a year when he visits Amy’s grave—on her birthday and the anniversary of her death. And then Rick said, “Joe, I know what you’ve been doing for a long time now, even when you were in prison, and I approve of it.”

Joe’s prayers for reconciliation were being answered. “Rick Wall, Amy’s father, forgave me before I even asked him to forgive me,” Joe says.

You want to talk about a hard conversation. Most of us will never experience these kinds of hard conversations. In both situations there was open honesty and forgiveness.

We need to remember that God made us in His image, and God doesn’t make mistakes. It’s up to us to believe in ourselves.

If the Samaritan woman at the well and Joe Avila can have hard conversations like this…we can too.