What Does Eating an Elephant One Bite at a Time Mean?

Eating Something That Big Takes Real Determination

Most of us have heard the saying, “Eat an elephant one bite at a time.” At first glance, this phrase seems a little far out there for those of us in the middle of the United States. It’s not like there’s a lot of elephants around to eat.

This phrase is used when referring to how we can accomplish a large daunting goal through a series of smaller tasks.

A normal serving size of meat is between a half pound and three quarters of a pound. As we all have different sized mouths, it’s hard to know exactly how many bites are in a serving, but 10-15 bites are considered a good serving. In Africa the forest elephants are normally between 5,000 – 6,000 pounds of meat. (Thank you Skyler)

This means to eat an average-sized elephant it will take around…154,000 bites.

We are all faced with large, overwhelming undertakings, some bigger than others. Sonia shared a story about a large endeavor in the children’s message. She told me about a bicycle padlock that her brother had when they were kids. The problem was…nobody in the family knew the combination.

She said there were 10,000 options to finding the right combination with a four number padlock. She started in and after 4500 tries she got it. This was a pretty big elephant and a lot of bites.

This was some real determination.

The key to accomplishing any big task is determination and taking the first step.

This is what Paul was doing in Acts as he continually went from town to town sharing God’s message. It was a big and dangerous undertaking, but he was determined to eat the next bite.

In Acts 20:17-24 he told the people in Ephesus, “You know everything I did during the time I was with you when I first came to Asia. Some of the Jews plotted against me and caused me a lot of sorrow and trouble. But I served the Lord and was humble. When I preached in public or taught in your homes, I didn’t hold back from telling anything that would help you. I told Jews and Gentiles to turn to God and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

I don’t know what will happen to me in Jerusalem, but I must obey God’s Spirit and go there. In every city I visit, I am told by the Holy Spirit that I will be put in jail and will be in trouble in Jerusalem. But I don’t care what happens to me, as long as I finish the work the Lord Jesus gave me to do. And this work is to tell the good news about God’s gift of undeserved grace.”

Like Paul we all have a purpose. It may not be preaching like Paul’s but is just as important. It may be the way we treat co-workers and customers; it may be in raising our children; it may be community service. Whatever it is that we’ve been put here to do…

We need to stay the course and keep eating the elephant one bite after another. Start chewing.

How Do You Choose the Right Construction Contractor?

It’s Like Shopping for the Perfect Christmas Gift

Last week we talked about how a construction project should have the same sense of excitement as opening the perfect gift on Christmas morning. The problem is, more often than not, it’s like getting a stocking full of coal.

A construction project should be a good experience…not a bad one.

We talked about the six things to consider when looking for the builder that’s the right fit for you. There are some other things to consider as well. These things are about what you want.

  • What is the problem(s) or issue(s) that need addressed?
  • Do we need more space for our growing family?
  • What is our budget?

Maybe this construction project is building your dream home.

Determining the reason(s) behind your construction project can help when choosing your construction contractor.

An example of the need for the right professional help is a window project that I was asked about a few years ago.

The customer had a window that was put in in the early ‘90s and the bottom frame of the wood sash was rotting. They contacted the manufacturer’s retail store and met with a sales representative. The rep. told the customer that the problem was hail damage and all the windows needed to be replaced.

The customer received a quote for over $36,000 to replace thirteen windows.

Having done other work for this customer before, they asked my opinion.

I agreed to give the customer a proposal for replacing the windows using the same windows previously quoted. My price was almost $10,000 less for the same work with the same windows.

This was before I even went to look at the project.

Having installed a lot of these windows over my career, I found it hard to believe that all of them needed to be replaced. So, I scheduled a meeting to look at the project.

After looking at it, I determined that of the thirteen windows originally quoted by the manufacturer…only one needed replaced. All the others needed was some interior wood refinishing.

When it was all said and done the customer opted to replace all thirteen windows, and even with some additional staining and painting, the project was just a little over $26,000.

The manufacturer’s quote was a simple one-size-fits-all solution that did not have the customer’s best interest at heart.

It takes experience, knowledge, and a desire to help the customer find the best solution to go beyond one size fits all.

Construction projects can be overwhelming and daunting for customers. The fear of mistakes and making the wrong decisions keeps people from moving forward. Hesitance is a stumbling block that prevents people from enjoying their dream project.

When faced with the opportunity to make a decision, make one. “I understand that God did not put in me the ability to always make right decisions. He did, however, put in me the ability to make a decision and then make it right.” (Andy Andrews, The Traveler’s Gift)

We all have areas in our lives in which we are more skilled or knowledgeable. This is why it’s important to find qualified professionals to guide you through areas where you are less qualified.

One of the biggest challenges with building a dream is getting all parties involved moving the same direction. Too many times these parties are pulling in different directions. Like two horses pulling together as a team can accomplish more, we can do the same. That team of horses need someone to take control of the reigns and give direction.

Guidance is one of the most important things needed to build your dream.

Finding the right builder is like doing a construction project, in that it’s not as scary as it seems if you know what questions to ask and have someone you trust guiding you.

Make your construction project like opening that gift on Christmas morning that you’ve always wanted. It doesn’t have to be a stocking full of coal.

If you’d like to learn more about how to build your dream construction project, check out some of the Building a Dream Project blog posts at Solution Building.

How Can I be Sure That I’m Doing What I’m Supposed to?

Wouldn’t it be Great if Everything Was Simple and Easy?

It can be hard to figure out if what we’re doing is what we’re supposed to do. Is this the job I’m supposed to have? Is this the direction in life I’m supposed to head? Is this the business I’m supposed to start?

These questions and ones like them can be hard to answer. We struggle with questions like these and many more.

We often second guess ourselves whether we’re making the right decisions.

As we’ve been going through the Book of Acts, there have been multiple times that Jesus’ followers have been questioned, tried, beaten and more. This could be enough to cause them to question if what they were doing is what they were supposed to be doing.

In Acts 18:5-6, the people Paul had been preaching to, turned against him. Then again in verses 12-13, some of the church leaders grab Paul, take him before the governor of Achaia, and accuse him of “trying to make people worship God in a way against our Law!”

If you were in Paul’s shoes, you’d probably be questioning your decisions. But in verses 9-10, Paul receives a message from God in a dream. God tells him to “keep preaching and don’t stop.”

We need clarity of direction like Paul.

Currently our book club is reading Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. As I’m reading it, I’m amazed at his search for his purpose and willingness to stay the course. This isn’t to say that it was crystal clear or without detours and corrections.

Like Paul, the one thing that Bonhoeffer did was to continually focus on God’s calling in his life. This clarity came through reading and studying the Scripture and prayer.

Both men received pressure from friends and people around them to take different and less dangerous paths. Both may have veered but would recenter.

How do we know if what we’re doing is what we’re supposed to be doing?

I received an email recently from Christian business coach, speaker, and author Niccie Kliegl that I think does a great job of explaining how to determine clarity of direction. She shares Matthew 12:22-32 where Jesus heals a blind man by casting out a demon. The Pharisees start accusing Him of using the power of Beelzebul to do this.

Jesus responded by saying, “Any kingdom where people fight each other will end up ruined. And a town or family that fights will soon destroy itself. So, if Satan fights against himself, how can his kingdom last?… If you are not on my side, you are against me.” 

The two points she makes are…

  1. The Devil won’t attack his own work. If you’re doing what he wants he won’t be attacking what you’re doing. He won’t be working against himself. So, if you’re facing difficulties and struggles…this should tell you that what you’re doing is God inspired.
  2. The Enemy always attacks God’s work. When you’re doing what God has called you to do you will face opposition. If everything is going smoothly it’s a sure sign that you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing.

On the surface it can seem a little backward. Shouldn’t things be simple and easy if we’re doing the right thing? We need to remember that we live in a fallen world and that’s what Satan wants us to think.

Embrace the difficulties and keep pushing forward.

How Your Home Building Experience Can Feel Like the Holidays

And I Don’t Mean Getting a Stocking Full of Coal

The weather is getting cooler, and Halloween has come and gone. This means the holiday season is upon us. Some people like this time of the year more than others, and I get that.

It’s a little like a home construction project. Different people have had different construction experiences…some good and some not so much. The problem with construction is that there are more bad experiences than good, and it shouldn’t be this way.

A home construction project should be like Christmas.

Each day building up excitement of opening a present on Christmas morning as the project progresses. Or the warm, comfortable feeling of sitting in front of a fire with a blanket, hot chocolate, family and friends after the project is finished.

We know what to expect when getting gifts from friends and family. You should have the same sense of trust and comfort when working with a construction company.

I remember one time when I called a customer to give them the production schedule for their construction project, they were relieved to hear from us. They hadn’t heard from us since we met to sign paperwork and get their first payment a few days earlier.

They were concerned that we had taken their money and weren’t coming back.

We’ve all heard the stories of the “storm chasers” that came through town after a storm. They get money for material and then never come back to do the work.

Or what about the guy that was laid off from ‘his job’? He has a pickup, a hammer, and a skill saw. Heck, he built a deck for his buddies’ cousin.

Oh, and don’t forget the kid that worked for a contractor for a couple of months and got fired because he wouldn’t show up to work. He’s now an ‘experienced contractor’.

I read a study years ago that ranked building contractors below used car salesmen. This is not to say that all used car salesmen are bad, but they have, over the years had a stigma of…shall we say…not being the most honest and trustworthy.

For builders to have been ranked below them was very confusing and a little disturbing. I then realized that I viewed my customers differently than most builders.

For me, my customers aren’t just customers, a project, or a way to earn money. They’re friends. When considering what it costs to have a construction project done…

Having a contractor who’s looking out for your needs and has your back is better than hiring someone who just sees you as a paycheck.

As a customer, it’s important to find a builder that will help you make your construction dreams a reality and has your best interests at heart.

To do this you need to know what to look for, so you can find the right builder for you. Here are six things I would recommend when considering which builder, you should hire. –

  1. Word of mouth – This is the best form of advertising. Find someone that you know and trust that has had a building project done. Ask them who they used and what their experience was like. This will give you a view from someone who is independent of the industry with nothing to gain.
  • References – Don’t be afraid to ask builders for references. This is a variation of ‘word of mouth’ to find references in addition to people that you know. A builder should be able to supply you with 3-5 names of past customers that you can follow up with. If not, you should proceed with extreme caution.
  • Professionalism – The level of professionalism will vary between contractors. There is not one specific style or level of professionalism that should be used in every instance. What you want is to know that this builder takes what they are doing seriously. You should be concerned if you get a hand-written estimate on a napkin.
  • Experience – This comes with time. Not every qualified builder has years and years of experience, but the more years, the more experience. You don’t want to hire that ‘experienced contractor’ I referred to earlier that was fired for not showing up to work.
  • Communication – Even small and simple projects require communication. Of course, the bigger and more complex the project the more important it is to communicate. In today’s world there are all sorts of ways to do this. The specifics of how aren’t as important as the doing it is.
  • Compatibility – This is the bottom line when it comes to determining who to use. Depending on what is important to you, what your focus is for your project. Find a builder that shares those core values. Each one of us is different. Take the time to get informed and find the best fit for you.

Too many times I’ve become aware of construction projects going badly, leaving customers feeling abused and abandoned. I have heard too many people say the worst experience of their life was a construction project.

A construction project should be one of the best experiences of life, not one of the worst.

Walking onto your finished construction project should feel warm and cozy…like coming home for the holidays.

How Do We Fill the God Shaped Hole in Our Lives?

That’s Easy…We put God in it

I loved doing jigsaw puzzles growing up (and still do for that matter). I remember when getting near the end of a puzzle the level of excitement would begin to ramp up. In the accelerated push to get it finished more people would get involved. In the rush, often a piece would get lost.

If you’ve ever done a jigsaw puzzle, you know how frustrating it is to get to the last piece…and you can’t find it anywhere. This is the same frustration we experience when feeling that something is missing in our lives.

Often in life we try to fill the hole where the missing piece belongs with things like drugs, work, love, alcohol, perfection, etc. Not all of these are bad. Some are actually good, but when we try to force one of them into the hole where the missing piece belongs, things just don’t fit.

Finding the missing piece and putting it in makes the picture complete.

In Acts 17:16-34 Paul was in Athens, a city full of idols. The people worshipped all types of different things. One of the idols had an alter with the words, “To an unknown god”. Paul pointed out that they were worshipping so many things that they didn’t even know what they were worshipping.

Like the people in Athens, we tend to worship too many wrong things.

Paul went on to tell them about the unknown God. “This God made the world and everything in it. He is Lord of heaven and earth, and he doesn’t live in temples built by human hands. He doesn’t need help from anyone. He gives life, breath, and everything else to all people. From one person God made all nations who live on earth, and he decided when and where every nation would be. God has done all this, so that we will look for him and reach out and find him. He isn’t far from any of us, and he gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are.

We naturally have a feeling of being incomplete or inadequate, and this leads to looking for that missing piece. The problem is that if we don’t know what the piece is or make the effort to look for it…then we’ll never find it.

The hole in our lives can only be filled with the one and only piece that fits it. Finding God and putting Him in the empty spot makes our lives complete.

Why Choose Trick over Treat…Isn’t Treat the Better Choice?

You Would Think So, But Construction Companies Do It All The Time

Halloween is almost here. Most of us have done trick or treating as kids. You know, that tradition where children dress up in costumes and go from house to house asking for treats with the phrase “trick or treat”.

The “treat” is usually some form of candy/sweets, although it might be some other small gift. The “trick” refers to a threat, usually an idle one, to perform mischief on the resident(s) or their property if no treat is given. 

Sure, there’s some cost to buying the candy and it requires some time to answer the door and pass out candy, but given the choice…

As a property owner…a treat seems like the better choice.

If the treat is the better choice, why do construction companies continually insist on tricks?

I’ve written a lot about construction companies being scared to do things differently. They’re stuck in the rut of “we’ve always done it this way”. Trying to build your dream business this way is like being in a horror movie.

Everything is predictable. Rather than doing something different, they hide in the basement, the attic or behind the chainsaws, when they could just get in the running car.

Hiding behind chainsaws is what most construction companies do. They choose the discomfort of the known trick, over the uncertain treat.

I don’t think these companies started out hoping to have unhappy customers, or not have enough money to pay the bills, or to be working 70-80 hours a week for minimum wage.

The reason most construction businesses are stuck here is fear. They are afraid that trying something different might not work. They choose the discomfort of the known over the unknown.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

This is why over 30 years ago I decided that I wasn’t going to hide behind the chainsaws anymore and I got in the running car (okay, really it was truck).

Did everything I try work…no. Was it scary…yes. But I didn’t stop, I kept trying until it did. Then I worked on it some more to make it better. And then I started working on a new and different business tool or system.

This is where I figured out the 5-step business BUILDing process. I BECAME AWARE that what I was doing wasn’t working. Then as I researched, I began to UNDERSTAND the problems. Next, I compiled INFORMATION about what was needed and began IMPLEMENTING new tools and systems into my business. The more I used these tools, the more I LEARNED and the easier it became. This process led to BUILDing my DREAM business.

The great thing is, YOU don’t have to go through the long, hard, and scary process to build your dream construction business by yourself.

You can get the tools and systems that we use by going to the Business BUILDing Toolbox and get started quicker, and it’s less scary. If you would like to learn more about these tools and systems, check out the 5-step Business BUILDING Process. To learn more about how these business tools and systems can help you build your dream business, schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Set yourself apart from your competition by choosing the treat over the trick.

What Does Being a Light in a Dark World Look Like?

It Can be as Simple as a Candle Lit on a Dark Night

If you watch the news, follow social media, or talk to any other living person, it’s hard to not be overcome with the darkness in the world today. This foreboding feeling of darkness can be depressing. Darkness is nothing new, but there certainly seems to be a lot of it going on currently.

When things are darkest is when we need to let our light shine.

What does it mean to let your light shine?

If you’ve ever spent any time in or around a church you’ve probably heard about letting your light shine. This is a common topic throughout the Bible. I quickly counted over forty verses referring to light in the darkness.

In the beginning God said, “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:3-5) God led the Israelites in the desert with a light. (Exodus 13:21-22)

It’s interesting how the whole light in the darkness example makes such perfect sense.

One of the examples of the impact light has on darkness is a candle in a dark place. The small flame on that little candle makes a huge difference in the dark. And then if you use the first candle to light another one, the two small flames are pushing the darkness back. The more we use our candle to light other candles the brighter things get.

We share our light by living our lives using God’s word as our blueprint.

The sharing of this light can come through holding a door open for someone, giving someone encouragement, being honest and supportive when people need direction, or serving others through how we act and live.

As we’ve been going through Acts, we’ve seen Saul be struck blind by a “Bright Light” and then he turned his life around and began sharing that light with others. In Acts 13:47 Paul shares that he was “placed here as a light…”

Let’s be a light in the darkness to those around us.

This light doesn’t have to be big. It can be a small flickering candle lighting other candles around us.

Information, Instruction, and Implementation…This is Where the Real Work is Done

Do You Think the Construction Business of Your Dreams is Worth it?

Last week we discussed how hard it is to keep a construction company from failing. If you have a construction company, this all-too-common outcome doesn’t have to be yours.

We’ve talked about how building a dream construction business starts with BEING AWARE of the issues construction companies face. The next thing is UNDERSTANDING these issues, which starts with asking questions and finding answers.

One of the biggest issues in construction is that most people in this industry are willing to do the hard physical work of building a building but will work even harder to avoid the work of building the business.

Building the business of your dreams is a choice.

Our lives are a string of choices, one after another, after another, after another, after another. These choices are the things that direct our paths through life and business.

We need to be aware of these choices and understand how they affect who we are. Understanding this leads us to gathering the information needed for building a business.

The INFORMATION that we consume determines who we will be.

Information comes from what we read, listen to, watch, and who we surround ourselves with. This is true for every aspect of our lives including our businesses.

Information is knowledge obtained through learning, investigating, experiences or study. It is the answers to questions that we ask. Knowing what’s needed to build a successful business begins with having the right information.

INSTRUCTION is an efficient way to consume information.

Instruction is advice or direction about how to do or use something. It happens when someone with more experience and knowledge teaches or trains others.

This lack of knowledge and understanding is why most people in construction don’t have business systems and tools. Sure, it can be learned without instruction over time, but why wait? Instruction is a more effective way to learn how to do or use things.

Don’t spend years by yourself in the “School of Hard Knocks” when is much quicker and less expensive to get instruction from someone who’s already graduated.

IMPLEMENTATION is making instruction and information real.

Implementation is the act of putting things learned into action or to use. This is where knowledge becomes reality. It’s where the rubber meets the road.

This is the scary part.

What if it doesn’t work right the first time? – It won’t.

What if I forget something? – You will.

What if it feels overwhelming? – It will.

Without implementing the things you’ve learned, you gain nothing.

This fear of failure is why most people choose to do nothing. They will just keep doing it the way they always have, knowing there’s a better way but just like the GEICO commercial, they’ll hide behind the chainsaws rather than getting in the running car.

Your construction business is worth the effort needed to gather the INFORMATION, get some INSTRUCTION, and IMPLEMENT what you learn.

If you would like some information about tools to help you build the construction business of your dreams, check out the 5-step Business BUILDing Process. Or if you need some tools for building that dream business, check out the Business BUILDing Toolbox. If you have any questions, you can schedule a free 30-minute consultation here!

Better Communication Often Leads to a Shift in Our Thinking

It’s Really Not That Hard…It Just Requires a Change of Perspective

I’ve written about communication more times than probably any other topic. This is because I think it is as big or bigger than any other issue out there.

Miscommunication or no communication is due mostly to the fact that we get stuck in our own heads. It only makes sense that we would view things from our own perspective. Add to this that we’re all so busy that we rarely slow down long enough to listen and think.

Just a few weeks ago I wrote about how tricky communication can be (link to 9/27 post) and how a word like wonky can have multiple meanings. If I hadn’t asked some questions and done some research, I would never have realized there were other meanings beyond my own perspective.

I needed a paradigm shift.

A paradigm is a pattern, a model, or representation of the mental image you have in your mind. I first became aware of the term “paradigm shift” through a story in Steven Covey’s book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

“I was on a subway in a very large metropolitan city. It was Sunday morning, quiet, sedate. When a bunch of young kids came running into the subway car and their father followed. He sat near me and the kids went crazy on that subway, running up and down, turning people’s papers aside, just raucous and rude. I’m sitting there thinking, ‘I can’t believe this, their father does nothing!’

After a few minutes…, ‘Sir, do you think you could control your children a little? They are very upsetting to people.’

‘Oh yeah.’ He lifted his head as if to come to an awareness of what was happening. ‘Yeah, I don’t know. I just guess I should. We just left the hospital. Their mother died just about an hour ago and I guess they don’t know how to take it and frankly I don’t either.’”

Can you say paradigm shift?

In Acts 10:9-15, Peter was up on a roof at noon praying and was getting very hungry. While the food was being prepared, he fell asleep and had a vision. He saw heaven open, and something came down like a huge sheet held up by its four corners. In it were all kinds of animals, reptiles, and birds. A voice said to him, “Peter, get up! Kill these and eat them.” But Peter said, “Lord, I can’t do that! I’ve never eaten anything that is unclean and not fit to eat. The voice spoke to him again, “When God says that something can be used for food, don’t say it isn’t fit to eat.”

Peter had to shift his thinking from what he had been taught and what he had always believed to be right. He pushed back and God told him three times. It’s more important to listen to what God tells us than what man tells us.

Peter just had a paradigm shift.

We need to be careful to not get too stuck in our own heads and be open to what God is telling us. At the same time, we need to be careful not to take everything we’re told by people at face value. We need to weigh it against what God says.

Like Peter, we need to be willing to shift our thinking if it’s from God. Acts 10:34-48

Why is it so Hard for Construction Companies to Stay in Business?

It’s Really Not That Hard…It Just Requires a Change of Perspective

It’s crazy the number of business that start and fail. Millions of businesses get started each year, but only a small portion survive. Why is it that 90% of all businesses fail? An article by Luisa Zhou is full of research-backed business failure statistics.

  • 18.4% fail within the first year
  • 49.7% fail within the first 5 years
  • 65.6% fail within the first 10 years
  • Only 25% make it beyond 15 years

There are countless reasons that businesses fail, but just because other businesses fail, doesn’t mean yours will too. Being aware of and understanding these statistics increases your chance of survival.

You can’t succeed if you don’t try.

If your dream is to own a successful construction business, you need to do your homework and then commit to it. Construction businesses do have a high failure rate, but that’s not to say you should avoid the construction business.

It just means you need to be aware and get prepared.

Listed below are five small business types with notoriously high failure rates.

  1. Restaurants – Independent restaurants have a failure rate of over 60% at the 10-year mark. The key to success is the ability to raise capital when needed. If a business owner cannot do that, there’s not much left but to close the doors.
  • Retail stores – Another business with intense competition is retail stores. Not only do you have to contend with other brick-and-mortar stores, but you also have online businesses undercutting your prices. Like independently owned restaurants, retail stores have a failure rate of over 60% at the 10-year mark.
  • Direct sales – Yes, it’s your own business, but if a friend asks you to become part of a multi-level marketing (MLM) business, say no. What you’ll hear are success stories. You won’t hear that, like a pyramid scheme, 99% of direct sales reps suffer significant financial loss. It’s the people at the top and the person who recruits you who makes money. 
  • Construction – Starting your own construction business is a tough gig. Construction businesses also have a failure rate north of 60% at the 10-year mark.

Not only do you have to be good at your craft, but you have to become a full-time salesperson, accountant, administrator, bookkeeper, and part-time counselor.

If you have a passion for building and offering unique touches that buyers can’t get from another builder, you’re off to a good start. The thing that’s usually missing is a business plan and the right business tools.

  • Insurance sales – Insurance agents face the same challenges of construction…wearing too many hats. They must be a master of administrative work, sales, and an ever-changing insurance scene.

If you’ve been in construction for any length of time, or know someone who has, you’ve become aware of how hard it can be to operate a successful construction company. Understanding the things that are needed to achieve this is one of the BUILDing blocks in a solid business foundation.

NOW WHAT? Now you need to change your perspective.

Perspective is a particular way of looking at something. This doesn’t mean it’s right or the only way. It just means that it’s our perspective.

Rather than assuming you’re the only one in construction dealing with issues you need to understand that this is not the case. These struggles are common across the construction industry. But changing your perspective is just the beginning.

Real change requires action. You’re going to have to do something.

So, what is the something that you need to do?

You need to lay the next block to BUILD the foundation of your business. This block is INFORMATION, INSTRUCTION, and IMPLEMENTATION. This is the third block in our 5-step Business BUILDing Process. Check back next week, and we’ll take a hammer to this building block to see what it’s made of.

It can be really frustrating trying to figure out how to build a successful construction business. But you don’t have to do it by yourself.

After owning and operating a construction business for more than forty years, I’ve developed business tools and systems that we are now making available to construction companies to give you an advantage over the competition.

If you would like to learn more about BUILDing a successful construction business, you can schedule a free 30-minute consultation here.